About the Office

Duties & Responsibilities

The Office of Attorney General champions liberty and justice for Texas.

Compact with Texans

Attorney General Ken Paxton is the State of Texas’s chief legal officer.

Office of the Attorney General Initiatives

We identify the greatest threats to Texas — and we take action to defeat them. Learn more about our latest initiatives.
Human Trafficking
Opioid Crisis
Election Integrity
Cyber Safety

Ken Paxton's Leadership Team

Read more about Ken Paxton's leadership team.

News Center

Read the latest news on how the Attorney General is safeguarding the freedoms of Texans.

Divisions of the Office

The main responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General are defending the State of Texas and its duly elected laws by providing legal representation to the State, serving the children of Texas through the enforcement of the state’s child support laws, securing justice for Texans, protecting Texans from waste, fraud, and abuse, and safeguarding the freedoms of Texans as guaranteed by the United States and Texas constitutions.

Email Subscription Center

The Office of the Attorney General provides multiple ways of keeping Texans informed with the workings of their government. One of which is, email notifications. A subscriber can be notified of press releases, Attorney General Opinions, available grants and more.