Attorney General Ken Paxton today asked a district court in San Antonio for a stay motion on its ruling against Senate Bill 4 while he appeals the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. Senate Bill 4, which the Texas Legislature passed to ban sanctuary cities in Texas, is set to take effect tomorrow (Sept. 1). However, the district court ruled this week that the law is unconstitional.

“Senate Bill 4 is lawful, constitutional and similar to provisions of the state of Arizona’s law, which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld,” said Marc Rylander, communications director for the Office of the Attorney General. “Sanctuary cities pose a threat to Texas communities by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities and allowing criminal aliens back on our streets.”

Senate Bill 4 affirms the right and duty of law enforcement agencies throughout Texas to detain individuals pursuant to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) federal detainer program. The program enforces immigration law and helps prevent dangerous criminals from being released into Texas communities.