Governmental Body
Health and Human Services Commission
Start Date for Suspension
End Date for Suspension
Contact Name
Jonathan Miles
Contact Title
Director Open Records
Governmental Body Type
State agency
Reason for Suspension
Natural Disaster
Suspension period: February 1 2023 and February 2, 2023.
On Wednesday, February 1st and Thursday February 2nd, HHSC's main administrative offices were closed due to a significant ice storm. Numerous HHSC offices throughout the state were also closed due to severe winter weather beginning on Tuesday, January 31st. Additionally, power outages and internet connectivity issues made it impossible for staff to work from home.
These issues qualify HHSC for a suspension period per Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 552.2325(a)(1)(B), as the winter storm was a catastrophe that directly interfered with HHSC's ability to comply with its obligations under the Public Information Act.
On Wednesday, February 1st and Thursday February 2nd, HHSC's main administrative offices were closed due to a significant ice storm. Numerous HHSC offices throughout the state were also closed due to severe winter weather beginning on Tuesday, January 31st. Additionally, power outages and internet connectivity issues made it impossible for staff to work from home.
These issues qualify HHSC for a suspension period per Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 552.2325(a)(1)(B), as the winter storm was a catastrophe that directly interfered with HHSC's ability to comply with its obligations under the Public Information Act.