Org Name
Org Address


Please check ALL appropriate types of entities for which submitted training course material will be applicable:


Course Requirements | Public Information Act

For Public Information Act applications, please confirm that the training course submitted for approval meets the requirements of Senate Bill 286 by checking ALL of the Public Information Act course requirements:


Course Requirements | Open Meetings Act

For Open Meetings Act applications, please confirm that the training materials submitted fulfill the requirements of section 551.005(b) of the Government Code, which include:



Please certify you understand the course certification requirements by checking ALL of the checkboxes.

I recognize:


Submission of Course Materials

Applications for approval of open government training courses are not complete until all training course materials are received by the Office of the Attorney General. Applicants may submit training course materials to the Office of the Attorney General:

Maximum 3 files.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: avi, mov, mp4.