Ken Paxton
Impoundment of vehicle - All peace officers of the state may, to protect the public safety and under reasonable circumstances, impound a vehicle when the driver fails to provide evidence of financial responsibility.|Impoundment of vehicle - A home-rule municipality, and likely a general-law municipality, may adopt an ordinance regarding the impoundment of vehicles for the offense of lack of financial responsibility provided that such an ordinance is not in conflict with any statute and conforms to any constitutional constraints.|Impounded Vehicle Release - A court would have a basis to conclude that a municipality may not condition release of a vehicle impounded for lack of evidence of financial responsibility upon presentment of such evidence to a vehicle storage facility.|Impoundment of Vehicles Ordinance - A home-rule municipality, and likely a general-law municipality may adopt an ordinance regarding the impoundment of vehicles for the offense of lack of financial responsibility provided that such an ordinance is not in conflict with any statute and conforms to any constitutional constraints.|Impoundment of Vehicle - A court would have a basis to conclude that a municipality may not condition release of a vehicle impounded for lack of evidence of financial responsibility upon presentment of such evidence to a vehicle storage facility.
Greg Abbott
Racing on the highway by a person younger than 17 years of age is a traffic offense rather than delinquent conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision and is within the jurisdiction of a justice or municipal court|Violation of section 729.001 of Transportation Code is within jurisdiction of justice and municipal courts
Greg Abbott
Electronically readable driver's license information, private security guard may run a driver's license through a device that electronically reads driver's license information to enable Port of Houston Authority police officers to access and use the infor|Electronically readable driver's license information, a private security guard may run a driver's license through a device that electronically reads driver's license information to enable Port of Houston Authority police officers to access and use the inf
Greg Abbott
Recording information encoded in magnetic stripe, retailer|Information encoded in magnetic stripe on a driver's license, retailer recording
Greg Abbott
Driver's license, Department of Public Safety may deny renewal of driver's license for person who fails to appear in justice or municipal court, but not of a person who fails to appear in county or district court|Driver's license, Department of Public Safety may deny renewal of driver's license for a person who fails to pay fine and cost for any offense in any court with criminal jurisdiction|Deny renewal of driver's license of a person who fails to appear in justice or municipal court, but not of a person who fails to appear in a county or district court, the Department of Public Safety may|Deny renewal of driver's license of a person who fails to pay fine and cost for any offense in any court with criminal jurisdiction, the Department of Public Safety may|Driver's license renewal, the Department of Public Safety may deny to any person who fails to appear in justice or municipal court, but not to a person who fails to appear in county or district court|Driver's license renewal, the Department of Public Safety may deny to any person who fails to pay fine or costs for any offense in any court with criminal jurisdiction
Greg Abbott
Driver's license suspension appeal, State Office of Administrative Hearings is not required to furnish a free transcript in an administrative driver's license suspension appeal|State Office of Administrative Hearings is not required to furnish a free transcript in an administrative driver's license suspension appeal
Greg Abbott
Electronically readable information encoded on the magnetic stripe of a driver’s license to verify the age of persons using self-service terminals and vending machines to purchase lottery tickets, section 521.126 of the Transportation Code permits the Texas Lottery Commission to use
Greg Abbott
Visual recordings of persons arrested for DWI, certain counties required to maintain equipment to make|Incorporation by reference\r\n\r\nUncodified provision of law
Greg Abbott
Photograph from driver’s license, whether Driver’s Privacy Protection Act and Texas implementing legislation permits disclosure on internet for law enforcement purposes|Driver’s Privacy Protection Act, whether it permits disclosure of driver’s license photo on internet for law enforcement purposes
Greg Abbott
Duties relating to the issuance of driver’s licenses and personal identification certificates, Department of Public Safety may not delegate such duties to county tax assessor-collector nor may a county participate in such a program|Driver’s licenses and personal identification certificates, Department may not delegate to county tax assessor-collector its duties relating to the issuance of, nor may a county participate in such a program
Greg Abbott
All terrain vehicle or recreational off highway vehicle, county authority to establish its own system for registering of and for operation on a public beach|Public beach, legality of operation of an all terrain vehicle or recreational off highway vehicle|Public beach, legality of operation of an all terrain vehicle or recreational off highway vehicle\r\n\r\nAll terrain vehicle or recreational off highway vehicle, county authority to establish its own system for registering of, for operation on a public beach|All terrain vehicle or recreational off highway vehicle, county authority to establish its own system for registering of, for operation on a public beach
Greg Abbott
Homestead exemption, federal and state judges and their spouses who are allowed to omit residence address on their drivers license and substitute street address of courthouse where judge serves may present personal identification certificate with residence address to apply for
Greg Abbott
Filing fee, justice court authority to charge a fee for filing a petition applying for an occupational driver\\'s license
Dan Morales
Question regarding "problem" with alcohol or drug abuse on a driver's license renewal form is unreasonable and therefore invalid
Dan Morales
Complaint against defendant who has failed to successfully complete driving safety course, whether justice of the peace may dismiss
Dan Morales
Impoundment of out-of-state motor vehicles involved in accidents, procedures Department must follow|Motor vehicles from out of state involved in accidents, constitutionality of impoundment procedures|Impoundment of out-of-state motor vehicles involved in accidents, constitutionality
Dan Morales
School bus safety standards, school district may not transport students in vehicles that do not comply with (Withdrawn by Letter 9/08/95)|School district employee required to use personal vehicle to transport students may be required to comply with special licensing restrictions (Withdrawn by Letter 9/08/95)|National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Act provisions regarding safety standards for school buses do not apply to purchasers, lessees, renters, or users of motor vehicles used to transport students (Withdrawn by Letter 9/08/95)|School bus safety standards, school district may not transport students in vehicles that do not comply with (Withdrawn by Letter 9/08/95)|School bus safety standards, school district may not transport students in motor vehicles that do not comply with (Withdrawn by Letter 9/08/95)|Personal vehicles, special licensing requirements and school bus safety standards may apply if school district requires employees to transport students in (Withdrawn by Letter 9/08/95)|School bus
Dan Morales
Driver education and traffic safety course, Texas Education Agency must supply certificates of completion to public school's|Driver education and traffic safety course of public school, Agency must supply certificates of completion to|Driving safety course with conditional approval, Agency need not finally approve|Driving safety school with conditional license need not apply for new license|Safety course that State Board of Education has conditionally approved need not be finally approved
Dan Morales
Driver training course taught by parent or legal guardian to minor, authority of Department to make rules for curriculum|Legislative intent found in unambiguous language of statute|Minor taught to drive by parent or legal guardian, licensing requirements for|Parent or legal guardian who teaches minor to drive, eligibility for approval as driver training course
Dan Morales
Driver education, payment public school teacher receives supplemental to regular salary for teaching is not included in calculation of teacher's retirement benefit|Driver education teacher in public school who receives payment supplemental to regular salary, whether state may exclude from calculation of teacher's retirement benefit|Driver education, System may not include in calculation of teacher's retirement benefit payment teacher receives supplemental to regular salary for teaching|Teacher's retirement benefit, calculation of may not include supplement to teacher's regular salary for teaching driver education
John Cornyn
Highway|Privately-owned street within city boundaries, city may not enforce traffic laws on|Private streets, city may not use public funds to enforce traffic laws on|Privately-owned street, state and local traffic regulations not applicable on
John Cornyn
Motorcyclist without helmet, peace officer may stop if motorcyclist is not displaying sticker issued pursuant to section 661.003(d) of Transportation Code
John Cornyn
Protest words added to traffic ticket have no effect on ticketed party's obligation to appear in court
John Cornyn
Magnetic stripe information contained on driver's license may be used only by law enforcement and other government personnel acting in official capacities (Superceded by statute - Tex. Alco. Bev. Code Ann. § 109.61)|Magnetic stripe information contained on driver's license may not be used by retail business (Superceded by statute - Tex. Alco. Bev. Code Ann. § 109.61)
John Cornyn
Social security number, Department may require license applicant who does not possess social security number to provide letter from Social Security Administration indicating ineligibility for|Social security number, Department of Public Safety may require license applicant who does not possess social security number to provide letter from Social Security Administration indicating ineligibility for
John Cornyn
Dirt bikes, Department does not have authority to "establish and administer" operator training and safety programs for off-road dirt bikes|Dirt bike under chapter 662 of the Transportation Code, an off-road "dirt bike" is a self-propelled "motor vehicle" but cannot be classified as a motorcycle|Dirt bikes, Department of Public Safety does not have authority to "establish and administer" operator training and safety programs for off-road dirt bikes
John Cornyn
Magnetic stripe information on driver's license, statute permitting private parties to access in order to prevent violations of Alcoholic Beverage Code is not inconsistent with Federal Driver's Privacy Protection Act
John Cornyn
Traffic offense of failure to drive in single marked lane, requirement of culpable mental state|Culpable mental state, whether traffic offense of failure to drive in single marked lane requires
John Cornyn
Automated enforcement equipment to identify red-light violations at roadway intersections, a city is not prohibited from adopting ordinance authorizing use of|Disregard of traffic-control device is a criminal violation under state law; cities are prohibited from enacting ordinances that conflict with state law and therefore a city may not adopt ordinance making running a red light a civil rather than a criminal
John Cornyn
Driver's Privacy Protection Act applies to personal information collected by the Texas Department of Safety in connection with driver's licenses|Federal Driver's Privacy Protection Act applies to personal information collected by the Texas Department of Safety in connection with driver's licenses|Electronically coded information on driver's license, private club licensed to serve alcoholic beverages may not use the magnetic strip on members' driver's licenses to obtain members' driver's license numbers in order to create or maintain club membershi|Driver's license, private club licensed to serve alcoholic beverages may not use magnetic strip on members' driver's licenses to obtain members' driver's license numbers in order to create or maintain club membership lists
John Cornyn
Dormitory or hotel, resident of may be Texas domiciliary for purpose of obtaining commercial driver's license|Domicile|Dormitory or hotel, Department may not conclusively presume resident of is not Texas domiciliary
John Cornyn
USA Patriot Act of 2001 does not preempt Texas statute restricting access to magnetic stripe information on driver's licenses|Magnetic stripe information on driver's licenses, financial institution may not use
John Cornyn
Term "two designated lanes," as used in section 545.0651(b) of the Transportation Code, which authorizes municipality to restrict certain vehicles to particular highway lanes, means precisely two and may not be construed to mean "two or more"|Two|Term "two designated lanes," as used in section 545.0651(b) of the Transportation Code, means precisely two and may not be construed to mean "two or more"
Jim Mattox
Multi-way stop signs at intersections, whether local authorities may, consistent with state statutes and Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, place at|Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, whether local authorities may place multi-way stop signs at intersections consistent with state statutes and
Jim Mattox
Mexican commercial truck operators, in absence of reciprocal agreement between Mexico and Texas or the United States, must obtain Texas license or license of another state that is entitled to recognition in Texas
Ken Paxton
A Texas driver's license that on its face lists an expiration date of March 13, 2020, or later is not expired under the Governor's suspension of laws and related DPS guidance until 60 days after the DPS provides further public notice that normal driver's license operations have resumed.
Ken Paxton
Whether misdemeanor traffic violation cards containing a QR code for accessing complete citation information satisfy the notice provisions of Transportation Code sections 543.003 and 543.004 and related provisions
Ken Paxton
The “judicial power” endowed to district courts does not countenance ex parte orders directing state agencies to amend a person’s biological sex on driver’s licenses or birth certificates. The underlying proceedings are coram non judice, and the resulting orders are void. State agencies must immediately correct any unlawfully altered driver’s licenses or birth certificates that were changed pursuant to such orders.