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Ken Paxton

County indigent health care, commissioners court authority to adopt eligibility requirements

Greg Abbott

Land for burial of deceased paupers, authority of county to purchase and maintain|Burial of deceased paupers, authority of county to purchase and maintain land for|Deceased paupers, authority of county to purchase and maintain land for burial of

Greg Abbott

Paupers' remains, authority to provide for disposition of by cremation|Paupers' remains, commissioners court's authority to provide for disposition of by cremation|Cremation of paupers' remains, commissioners court's authority to provide for

Greg Abbott

Procedural due process under the Mathews v. Eldridge factors, an indigent parent in termination proceeding is entitled to non-appellate transcripts of hearings and depositions when required by|Procedural due process under the Mathews v. Eldridge factors, an indigent parent in termination proceeding is entitled to non-appellate transcripts of hearing and depositions when required by|Court reporter's record for appeal, county is obligated to pay for when it has been ordered to do so by the court under the Family Code|County bears "reasonable expense" of non-appellate transcripts to which indigent parent in a termination proceeding is entitled

Dan Morales

Appeal of justice court ruling, appellant who files affidavit of inability to pay costs need not pay the Rule 143a cost to perfect|Appeal bond or affidavit of inability to pay costs, appellant who files need not pay Rule 143a cost to perfect appeal|Affidavit of inability to pay, appellant who files need not pay costs requested under Rule 143a to perfect appeal|Appeal bond or affidavit of inability to pay, whether filing of excuses justice court appellant from requirements of Rule 143a|Appeal bond, appellant who files need not pay costs under Rule 143a to perfect appeal

John Cornyn

Pauper's remains, county responsible to provide for disposition of even though decedent survived by a person listed in section 711.002(a) of the Health and Safety Code, in accordance with county rules|Deceased pauper's remains, county must provide for disposition of in accordance with county rules|Pauper's remains, county may adopt rules regarding disposition of and receipt of information from survivor|Pauper, county responsible to provide for disposition of remains of pauper even though decedent survived by a person listed in section 711.002(a) of the Health and Safety Code, in accordance with county rules|Agency of county, money received by may be put in special account in county depository if county commissioners court so orders|Seize assets, county may not seize assets from state of deceased pauper to cover costs of disposition of remains|Donations, county may receive as contribution toward disposition of deceased pauper's remains

John Cornyn

Appointment of counsel for criminal defendant, constitutionality of article 1.051(c) of Code of Criminal Procedure requiring that counsel for indigent criminal defendant be appointed within one day of defendant's request in populous counties and within th|Appointment of counsel for criminal defendant, constitutionality of statutory indigency standard for|Appointment of counsel for indigent defendant, constitutionality of statutory indigency standard for|Appointment of counsel for indigents, constitutionality of article 1.051(c) of Code of Criminal Procedure requiring that counsel for indigent criminal defendant be appointed within one day of defendant's request in populous counties and within three days |Equal protection, whether article 1.051(c) of Code of Criminal Procedure requiring that counsel for indigent criminal defendant be appointed within one day of defendant's request in populous counties and within three days of request in less populous count|Equal protection, whether statutory indigency standard for appointing counsel for indigent criminal defendant violates

Ken Paxton

Property Code chapter 203 authorizes the county attorney to independently enforce land use restrictions in counties with populations over 200,000

Ken Paxton

Addressing county commissioners court authority to enter an interlocal cooperation agreement with a cemetery organization, authority to dispose of the body of a deceased pauper on property owned by a private cemetery association, and authority to establish a perpetual trust fund to open or close graves in a private cemetery.