Compensation, Benefits, And Reimbursement Of Expenses
Ken Paxton
Public notice of a proposed budget increase to a sheriff's salary prior to setting the sheriff's salary, subsection 152.013(b) of the Local Government Code requires a commissioners court to provide, and failure to do so invalidates any increase|Changes to the budget after it has been finally approved, subsection 111.010(b) of the Local Government Code prohibits the commissioners court from making|Required notice of the sheriff's proposed salary increase, if the Coke County Commissioners Court finally approved its budget prior to providing, the sheriff's salary for 2014-2015 must remain at the prior year's amount
Greg Abbott
Salary of elected officer may not be higher than that stated in published notice; salary adopted after county published invalid notice may not be increased beyond previous fiscal year's amount until subsequent budget cycle|Salary of sheriff may not be higher than that stated in published notice; salary adopted after county published invalid notice may not be increased beyond previous fiscal year's amount until subsequent budget cycle
Greg Abbott
Compensating suspended deputy or employee, as a county officer, a sheriff serving as tax assessor-collector has discretion to his suspend deputies and employees as well as the discretion to continue|Suspension with pay, prospective term of employment does not violate constitution where provision serves legitimate public purpose and has sufficient controls to ensure public purpose is served \r\n\r\nSuspension with pay to county employees is gratuitous ex|Salary of county employees, county commissioners court sets when it adopts the county budget
Greg Abbott
Salaries, sheriff's and constable's may not be increased mid-budget-year|Justice Assistance Grant funds, a county may not use to increase the sheriff's or a constable's salary mid-budget-year or to pay the sheriff or constable overtime, but may use to pay a constable for services rendered as a deputy sheriff|Deputy sheriff, a constable may be compensated for work performed as|Overtime compensation, a sheriff or constable may not receive|Salary, a sheriff or constable may not receive an unbudgeted increase in the middle of a budget year
John Cornyn
Longevity pay, court may set rate for sheriff prospectively\r\n\r\n|Longevity pay, retroactive payment of higher rate to sheriff violates article III, section 53 of Texas Constitution|Longevity pay, court may set rate for sheriff prospectively|Longevity pay, retroactive payment of higher rate to sheriff violates article III, section 53
John Cornyn
Storage and disposal fees for controlled substances paid as condition of community supervision are not analogous to "hot check" fund, and are to be deposited in county depository and budgeted according to ordinary county budgeting process
John Cornyn
Constable, authority of commissioners court to set reasonable salary for
John Cornyn
Health insurance, county is not required to provide it to part-time constable
Ken Paxton
Criminal Justice Division of Governor’s Office determines applicability of federal Justice Assistance Grant funds to pay overtime to constable serving as deputy sheriff
Ken Paxton
Addressing questions concerning the provision of off-duty security services by deputy sheriffs