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Ethics Commission


Ken Paxton

Personal information of judges, disclosure of in campaign reports and financial statements

Ken Paxton

Sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission but which has been dismissed remains confidential under Government Code subsection 571.140(a)|Sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, despite being the subject of litigation, remains confidential if it has not been entered into a formal hearing or a judicial proceeding. Government Code subsection 571.140(a) provides that a|Under Government Code subsection 571.140(a), a sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission but which has been dismissed remains confidential|Government Code subsection 571.140(a) - a sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, despite being subject of litigation, remains confidential if it has not been entered into a formal hearing or judicial proceeding.|Government Code subsection 571.140(a) - sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, but which has been dismissed remains confidential

Greg Abbott

Staff of Ethics Commission can interview third-party witnesses concerning facts of situation leading to filing sworn complaint without violation of statute making complaint confidential|Staff of Ethics Commission can interview third-party witnesses concerning facts of situation leading to filing of sworn complaint without violation of statute making complaint confidential

Greg Abbott

Documents relating to a sworn complaint, under certain circumstances Commission may be obligated to provide documents relating to sworn complaint against one respondent to another respondent

Greg Abbott

Document establishing a complainant’s residency or real-property ownership in Texas under sections 571.122 and 571.124 of the Government Code, a court would likely give serious consideration to the Texas Ethics Commission’s decision not to send a copy of such document to the respondent in a matter regarding a sworn complaint a|Document establishing a complainant’s residency or real-property ownership in Texas under sections 571.122 and 571.124 of the Government Code, a court would likely give serious consideration to the Commission’s decision not to send a copy of such document to the respondent in a matter regarding a sworn complaint a

John Cornyn

Electronic access to candidates' and officeholders' political contribution and expenditure reports, Ethics Commission may not include contributor address information with other report information made available on the Internet or by other electronic means|Addresses of campaign contributors, Commission may not release with political contribution and expenditure report information made available on the Internet or by other electronic means, including computer diskettes available for purchase from the Commiss

John Cornyn

Campaign contribution and expenditure reports filed electronically with the Commission, public access to|Campaign contribution and expenditure reports filed electronically with the Ethics Commission, public access to

Ken Paxton

The Texas Ethics Commission’s authority to adopt rules tolling the deadline in subsection 571.1242(g).