Guardian And Ward
Greg Abbott
Meet before hearings with the child or the individual with whom the child ordinarily resides, attorney ad litem's duty under section 107.004(d) of the Texas Family Code to |Attorney ad litem's duty under Texas Family Code section 107.004(d) to meet before hearings with the child or the individual with whom the child ordinarily resides|Attorney ad litem's duty under Family Code section 107.004(d) to meet before hearings with the child or the individual with whom the child ordinarily resides|Meet|Feasible
John Cornyn
Access to records, federally-funded state protection and advocacy systems for persons with mental illness or developmental disabilities may, in accordance with federal law, have access to records even if person's legal guardian objects to such access|Inconsistent state laws, although Texas law grants legal guardians the right of care, control, and protection of their wards, the Supremacy Clause requires inconsistent state laws to yield to valid federal laws and regulations|Access to records of persons with mental illness or developmental disabilities who reside in facilities operated by the Department, a federally-funded state protection and advocacy system for such persons, Advocacy, Inc., may have access to records even i