
Dan Morales


Commission on Jail Standards lacks authority to regulate or inspect penal institution housing only federal prisoners, even if municipality operates facility under an agreement with Federal Bureau of Prisons (Withdrawn by Tex. Att'y Gen. LO-96-151)|Penal or correctional institution housing only federal prisoners, Commission lacks authority to regulate or inspect (Withdrawn by Tex. Att'y Gen. LO-96-151)|Penal and correctional institution housing only federal inmates subject to federal, not state, standards and regulations, even if operated by a municipality under an agreement with the Bureau of Prisons (Withdrawn by Tex. Att'y Gen. LO-96-151)|Bureau of Prisons has exclusive authority to regulate or inspect a penal and correctional institution housing only federal inmates that is operated by a municipality under an agreement with the Bureau (Withdrawn by Tex. Att'y Gen. LO-96-151)

Opinion File


Subsequent Treatment

Withdrawn by LO-96-151