
Jim Mattox


Bond election, county road district bond election is not rendered invalid if amount to be voted upon is changed after a public hearing|Authorized by the electorate, county road district may borrow money by issuing tax anticipation notes and bond anticipation notes as well as bonds but not unless|Civil proceedings, a criminal district attorney is under no obligation to represent a road district of his county in|Tax anticipation notes and bond anticipation notes as well as bonds, county road district may borrow money by issuing but not unless authorized by the electorate|Amount of tax voted by electorate, tax collector and the commissioners court cannot ordinarily levy or collect a tax in a road district in excess of|Ex-officio directors of a road district, county funds may not be used to pay for legal representation of members of commissioners court for actions taken in their capacity as|Guarantee the note of a road district, commissioners court acting for the county may not|County may not loan money to road district but may invest sinking fund monies in bonds of the road district|County road district, county is not responsible for debts incurred by members of a commissioners court acting for a|Collection of ad valorem taxes, county road district cannot change ad valorem basis of taxation to benefits basis if bond election order stated that bonds will be retired through

Opinion File
