You can subscribe to the OAG's Pending Opinion Requests list. If you subscribe, you will receive an email informing you of newly posted Requests for Attorney General Opinions. The email will include a link to the pending Opinion Request as well as a brief summary.

The following requests (RQs) have been received by the Opinion Committee, and are currently pending. If you wish to view the request letter, go here, and select the desired request letter from the index, or click on the RQ number below.

The Opinion Committee encourages interested parties to submit legal briefs. We ask that a requestor submit a brief with the requestor's opinion request. We encourage anyone else who is interested in a pending opinion request to submit a brief within 30 days of the date we receive the opinion request. Please review the information on the How To Request An Attorney General Opinion page for details about the briefing process.

Pending Requests

Title: RQ-0549-KP

Title: RQ-0549-KP
Re: Use of funds collected under Local Government Code section 118.0216
Request Date: Thursday, July 11, 2024
Request File: RQ0549KP.pdf
McLennan County District Attorney

Title: RQ-0548-KP

Title: RQ-0548-KP
Re: Whether, using certain grant funds, a county’s hiring of an administrative assistant to work in a dual role for the county judge and the prosecuting attorney constitutes a conflict of interest
Request Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Request File: RQ0548KP_0.pdf
Clay County Auditor
Henrietta, Texas

Title: RQ-0547-KP

Title: RQ-0547-KP
Re: Whether a complainant is a party to a disciplinary action against a license holder under Occupations Code section 507.205(b)(2)
Request Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Request File: RQ0547KP.pdf
Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council

Title: RQ-0546-KP

Title: RQ-0546-KP
Re: County authority to adopt portions of a fire code under Local Government Code section 233.062(c)
Request Date: Monday, June 24, 2024
Request File: RQ0546KP.pdf
Senate Committee on Nominations

Title: RQ-0545-KP

Title: RQ-0545-KP
Re: Relating to the rights of a mentally incapacitated person who is a ward of a guardianship to represent themself in civil or criminal matters
Request Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Request File: RQ0545KP.pdf
Senate Committee on Nominations

Title: RQ-0544-KP

Title: RQ-0544-KP
Re: Whether a taxing unit is entitled to recover attorney’s fees pursuant to Property Tax Code section 33.48 in certain circumstances
Request Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Request File: RQ0544KP.pdf
Webb County Attorney
Laredo, Texas

Title: RQ-0543-KP

Title: RQ-0543-KP
Re: Whether a district clerk may refuse to electronically file a document in a criminal case based on the district clerk’s opinion that the document fails to comply with the Judicial Committee on Information Technology Standards
Request Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Request File: RQ0543KP.pdf
Nueces County District Attorney
Corpus Christi, Texas

Title: RQ-0542-KP

Title: RQ-0542-KP
Re: Whether the First Amendment allows Texas state agencies to restrict the political activities of the consultants, advisors, and representatives of its contractors
Request Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Request File: RQ0542KP.pdf
Senate Committee on State Affairs

Title: RQ-0540-KP

Title: RQ-0540-KP
Re: Questions relating to potential conflicts of interest involving attorney-spouses under Rule 1.06 of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct in specific circumstances
Request Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024
Request File: RQ0540KP.pdf
Gillespie County Attorney

Title: RQ-0539-KP

Title: RQ-0539-KP
Re: Whether HB 1763 and HB 1919, enacted by the 87th Legislature and codified in chapter 1369 of the Insurance Code, are enforceable against a health benefit plan issuer and a pharmacy benefit manager administering the pharmacy benefits of the health benefit plan in certain circumstances
Request Date: Monday, May 13, 2024
Request File: RQ0539KP.pdf
Senate Committee on Business & Commerce