

Information considered to be confidential by statutory law, information in possession of Interagency Council on Pharmaceuticals Bulk Purchasing is excepted from disclosure under Public Information Act as|Interagency Council on Pharmaceuticals Bulk Purchasing is a governmental body that has supervision or control over public business and is thus subject to Open Meetings Act|Executive session, Interagency Council on Pharmaceuticals Bulk Purchasing is not authorized to meet in executive session to discuss drug pricing made confidential by statute|Specific pharmaceutical, neither Texas Department of Health nor Council may disclose information that identifies a specific manufacturer or wholesaler or prices charged by a specific manufacturer or wholesaler for a|Specific pharmaceutical, neither Department nor Interagency Council on Pharmaceuticals Bulk Purchasing may disclose information that identifies a specific manufacturer or wholesaler or prices charged by a specific manufacturer or wholesaler for a|Specific pharmaceutical, neither Texas Department of Health nor Interagency Council on Pharmaceuticals Bulk Purchasing may disclose information that identifies a specific manufacturer or wholesaler or prices charged by a specific manufacturer or wholesal

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