Under Local Government Code subsection 22.077(a), a Type A general-law municipality may remove a municipal officer for incompetency, corruption, misconduct, or malfeasance at a regular meeting by a majority vote of those present and voting|Under Local Government Code subsection 22.077(b), a Type A general-law municipality may remove a municipal officer for a lack of confidence if two-thirds of the elected aldermen vote in favor of a resolution declaring the lack of confidence|For purposes of Local Government Code section 22.039, a "called meeting" of a Type A general-law municipality is a meeting called and held at a time or place other than the regular meeting time and place adopted pursuant to subsection 22.038(a)|An emergency meeting of a Type A general-law municipality will be considered a called meeting for purposes of Local Government Code section 22.039 if it is held at a time or place other than the regular meeting time and place established by a resolution adopted pursuant to section 22.038Request Date
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