División del Abogado General es responsable por supervisar y aprobar todo litigio de apelaciones para el Estado de Texas y por asegurar que el estado tome posturas legales consistentes. División del Abogado General determina cuáles divisiones de la Procuraduría General deberían manejar las apelaciones en las cuales el estado es parte. División del Abogado General es responsable por administrar las apelaciones consideradas de mayor importancia para los intereses de Texas y el desarrollo del derecho federal y estatal.

Employment Opportunities

The Solicitor General is supported by two Deputy Solicitors General, 14 Assistant Solicitors General, two recent law-school graduates serving as Coleman Fellows, and a highly dedicated professional support staff.

The Division will accept applications for these positions only as specified in a given job announcement, which can be found when available.

Available Employment Opportunities

Coleman fellowships

Every year, the Solicitor General Division accepts applications for prestigious, one-year Coleman fellowships. Coleman Fellows work closely with Solicitor General Division lawyers in representing Texas’s interests before appellate courts. Duties include preparing briefs and petitions in cases on appeal in the United States Supreme Court, the Texas Supreme Court, and federal and state courts of appeals; preparing recommendations to the Solicitor General regarding authorization of appeals; and assisting attorneys in the Division in preparing for oral arguments. The Division also tries to ensure that Coleman Fellows who are licensed to do so have an opportunity to lead the briefing and then present oral argument in at least one appeal. 

The fellowship is named after Gregory S. Coleman, Texas’s first Solicitor General and one of the preeminent appellate advocates of his generation. 

More about Gregory S. Coleman

To apply for a fellowship, candidates must be rising 3Ls or graduates of accredited law schools and have excellent academic records. The typical candidate comes to the fellowship immediately after the completion of an appellate judicial clerkship. Applications will be accepted after June 1 for fellowships beginning in September of the following year. Hiring decisions are typically made in November of the year preceding the fellowship year.

Gre­go­ry S. Cole­man Fellowships


The Solicitor General Division hosts highly qualified law students for paid clerkships during the summer or unpaid clerkships during school semesters. 

Law Clerk Program