Ken Paxton
Administrative Law
Occupational and Professional Licenses
Licenses, Certificates, and Permits
Licensing Agencies' Authority
Licenses, Certificates, and Permits
Occupational and Professional Licenses
State Boards, Commissions, Departments
Unilateral, voluntary surrender of license - A court would likely determine that the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists has implied authority under Occupations Code chapter 1002 or any other law to accept the unilateral, voluntary surrender of a license|Texas Board of Professional Geoscientist - A court would likely determine that the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists has implied authority under Occupations Code chapter 1002 or any other law to accept the unilateral, voluntary surrender of a license|Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists - A court would likely determine that the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists has implied authority under Occupations Code chapter 1002 or any other law to accept the unilateral, voluntary surrender of a license