Please join us in the fight against human trafficking during January, human trafficking awareness month. The Office of the Attorney General, along with law enforcement, interagency partners and non-profit organizations, are actively engaging with the public on anti-human trafficking efforts with a goal to raise awareness and eradicate this crime.

Reflecting on 2020, when many businesses slowed down, traffickers flourished. According to DPS, during the last year, there were over 1.6 million online commercial sex advertisements in Texas, and over 25% of those contained suspected children. Likewise, people continue to be held in forced labor in both rural and urban parts of Texas every day.

Human trafficking awareness month is a great time to better educate ourselves and spread awareness in the community.

Here are a few ways you can join us and Recognize Human Trafficking Awareness Month:

  • Participate in #wearblueday on January 11th. Share pictures on social media.

  • Join the #TXBlueSandProject and spread blue sand on the sidewalk to show that trafficking will not be tolerated in Texas. Document the project on social media.

  • Use a blue background in your virtual meetings during January.

  • Place signs around your community.

  • Email us at [email protected] for more information.

Visit our Capitol display to find the “Together We Stand” art exhibit created by survivors, information for law enforcement, and how you can help #EndHumanTrafficking in your community.

Do you know the red flag indicators of human trafficking? If not, take the time to watch the video “Be the One” and read the information on our website.

Together, we can make a difference. #TexansAreNotForSale