If you have any questions regarding the cost estimate model, please call our toll-free Cost Hotline at 1-888-OR COSTS (1-888-672-6787).

  • Current General Information
  • Detailed Information
  • Labor
  • Deposit/Bond
  • Complete

If your entity received the request during normal business hours, then enter the date the request was actually received by regular mail or by email, not the date it was opened. If your entity received the request after business hours, then enter the date of the next business day following receipt. 

Providing the requestor with a written estimate of charges does not change the deadlines that your entity must comply with if it chooses to seek a ruling that would permit it to withhold information under an exception to disclosure. Therefore, if you think your entity will request a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General, you must comply with the 10 and 15 business day deadlines imposed by section 552.301 of the Government Code. 

Reference: Gov’t Code §§ 552.2615(g), 301(b),(e).

You are required to make a goodfaith effort to relate the request to information held by your entity. If it is not clear what specific information the requestor is seeking, you should ask the requestor to clarify the request or narrow the scope of information requested. If the requestor declines to clarify or narrow the request, a written cost estimate is intended to provide the requestor with an idea of the costs associated with moving forward on a broad request. 

Reference: Gov’t Code § 552.222(b).

Enter the following contact information for your entity

Contact Address

Enter the following contact information for the requestor

Requestor Address
Reference: Gov’t Code 552.2615(a)(1)

The purpose of a cost estimate is to provide requestors information so they can make informed decisions. It is not an exact price for providing the information. You may need to perform a sample test on a small amount of information to estimate charges for fulfilling the entire request. 

If a governmental body performs all of the work described in a cost estimate before the requestor agrees to pay the charges, the governmental body may not be permitted to collect more than $40.00 from the requestor. If a governmental body determines, before it performs the work described in the initial cost estimate, that its charges will exceed the charges in the initial cost estimate by 20% or more, the governmental body must provide the requestor an amended cost estimate.

How does the requestor wish to receive the information?