When this office learns that a statute is amended that would modify the conclusion of an opinion or that a court either agreed or disagreed with a conclusion in an opinion, we include the opinion in this list. The list is not exhaustive, but we strive to stay abreast of such decisions and enactments. Please feel free to notify the Opinion Committee if you know of a court decision or statute that affects the conclusion of an attorney general opinion.

Ken Paxton (2015 - present)  
KP-0062 (2016) Superseded by statute Tex. Special Districts Local Laws Code § 1118.055
Greg Abbott (2002 - 2014)  
GA-0999 (2013) Superseded by statute Tex. Gov't Code § 2268.055(b)
GA-0700 (2009) Superseded by statute Tex. Gov't Code § 52.057(f)
GA-0668 (2008) Modified by statute Tex. Gov't Code Ann. § 551.0415
GA-0665 (2008) Superseded by statute Tex. Tax Code § 313.021(2)(A)
GA-0649 (2008) Superseded by statute Tex. Hum. Res. Code § 42.041(b)(17)
GA-0615 (2008) Overruled by Van Houten v. City of Fort Worth, 827 F.3d 530, 538 (5th Cir. 2016)
GA-0612 (2008) Superseded by statute Tex. Loc. Gov't Code §§ 142.009, 157.906
GA-0600 (2008) Superseded in part by statute Tex. Tax Code § 312.402
GA-0589 (2008) Superseded by statute Tex. Tax Code § 1.111
GA-0543 (2007) Superseded by statute Tex. Health & Safety Code § 716.101(b)
GA-0496 (2006) Modified by statute Tex. Loc. Gov't Code Ann. § 395.022(b)
GA-0445 (2006) Withdrawn 1/14/08
Superseded by statute
Tex. Educ. Code § 54.203
GA-0436 (2006) Superseded by statute Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 17.02
GA-0417 (2006) Superseded by statute Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § 25.0951(a)
GA-0574 (2007)
GA-0410 (2006) Superseded by statute Tex. Gov't Code § 466.405
GA-0361 (2005) Superseded by statute Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 31.033(d)
Effective 9-01-2011
GA-0347 (2005) Withdrawn 1/14/08
Superseded by statute
Tex. Educ. Code § 54.203
GA-0325 (2005) Superseded in part by statute Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 143.072
GA-0324 (2005) Modified by GA-0469 (2006)
GA-0225 (2004) Superseded in part by statute GA-0373 (2005)
GA-0276 (2004) Superseded by statute Tex. Tax Code §§ 311.007, 311.017
GA-0261 (2004) Modified by statute Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 43.10 and Tex. Health & Safety Code § 713.028
GA-0123 (2003) modified by statute See Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § 11.1513
GA-0092 (2003) Withdrawn by GA-0092A (2004)


John Cornyn (1999 - 2002)  
JC-0557 (2002) Superseded by statute Tex. Water Code Ann. § 36.051(d)
JC-0544 (2002) Superseded in part by statute See Tex. Loc. Gov't Code Ann. § 25.051(b)
JC-0540 (2002) Superseded in part by statute GA-0196 (2004)
JC-0494 (2002) overruled to extent inconsistent with GA-0265 (2004)
JC-0481 (2002) Overruled by statute Tex. Transp. Code Ann. § 643.201(a) (effective 9/01/03)
JC-0471 (2002) Modified to extent inconsistant with GA-0051 (2003)
JC-0463 (2002) Modified by GA-0061 (2003)
JC-0454 (2002) Clarified by GA-0131 (2003)
JC-0426 (2001) Affirmed by JC-0507 (2002)
JC-0423 (2001) Affirmed by JC-0499 (2002)
JC-0337 (2001) Overruled by statute Tex. Alco. Bev. Code Ann. § 109.61
Effective 9/01/01
JC-0332 (2001) Overruled by statute Tex. Educ. Code § 11.167
JC-0329 (2001) Modified by statute Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 43.10 and Tex. Health & Safety Code § 713.028
JC-0325 (2001) Overruled by statute Texas Penal Code § 30.06(e)
JC-0257 (2000) Superseded in part by Tex. Local Gov't Code § 143.057
JC-0220 (2000) Modified by statute JC-0434 (2001)
JC-0200 (2000) Overruled by Court Decision see Appendix Item #26
JC-0186 (2000) Overruled/Superseded by statute Tex. Occ. Code Ann. § 562.109 Effective 5/11/01
JC-0163 (1999) Superseded by statute Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 17.02
JC-0155 (1999) Clarified by JC-0236 (2000)
JC-0102 (1999) Clarified by JC-0222 (2000)
JC-0053 (1999) Overruled to extent inconsistent with Tex. Gov't Code § 1232.056(c).


Dan Morales (1991 - 1998)  
DM-494 (1998) Withdrawn by letter 3/16/1999
DM-487 (1998) Overruled to extent it suggests § 251.053, Transp. Code, is unconstitutional on its face GA-0835 (2011)
DM-488 (1998) Overruled in part by JC-0294 (2000)
DM-478 (1998) Affirmed by JC-0194 (2000)
DM-466 (1998) Overruled in part by Court Decision see Appendix Item #24
DM-425 (1996) Superseded by statute JC-0097 (1999)
DM-424 (1996) overruled in part by GA-0456 (2006)
DM-415 (1996) Superseded by statute DM-471 (1998)
DM-405 (1996) Modified to extent inconsistent with GA-0051 (2003)
DM-404 (1996) Withdrawn by LO-96-151
DM-396 (1996) Superseded in part by statute Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 103.004 (effective 9/01/99)
DM-387 (1996) Superseded by statute JC-0037 (1999)
DM-385 (1996) Affirmed by LO-97-016
DM-381 (1996) Overruled to extent inconsistent with GA-0365 (2005)
DM-362 (1995) Withdrawn by letter 9/08/95
DM-347 (1995) Superseded by statute DM-418 (1996)
DM-346 (1995) Withdrawn by letter 7/31/96
DM-325 (1995) Statute on which opinion was based was repealed  
DM-278 (1993) Statute on which opinion was based was repealed  
DM-283 (1994) Modified by DM-371 (1995)
DM-249 (1993) Affirmed by LO-94-35
DM-233 (1993) Clarified by LO-93-071
DM-227 (1993) Overruled to extent inconsistent with JC-0120 (1999)
DM-212 (1993) Affirmed by LO-93-059
DM-210 (1993) Affirmed by LO-93-053
DM-208 (1993) Overruled by JC-0314 (2000)
DM-200 (1993) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix item #20
DM-171 (1992) Superseded in part by statute GA-0373 (2005)
DM-162 (1992) Affirmed by DM-247 (1993)
DM-160 (1992) Overruled to extent it conflicts with JC-0580 (2002)
DM-149 (1992) Overruled to extent it conflicts with DM-430 (1997)
DM-107 (1992) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-488 (1998)
DM-56 (1991) Superseded by statute See Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § 38.006
DM-45 (1991) Withdrawn by DM-45A (1991)
DM-17 (1991) Overruled by DM-191 (1992)
DM-5 (1991) Clarified by DM-5A (1991)
LO-98-125 Overruled by statute Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann § 62.001
LO-98-068 Overruled to extent it conflicts with GA-0135 (2004)
LO-98-037 Overruled to extent inconsistent with JC-0140 (1999)
LO-98-010 Withdrawn by letter 6/10/98
LO-98-009 Modified by JC-0189 (2000)
LO-97-112 Overruled by GA-0158 (2004)
LO-97-084 Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JC-0036 (1999)
LO-97-054 Overruled by statute see Tex. Alco. Bev. Code Ann. §61.312, effective 9/1/01
LO-97-048 Overruled by Court Decision
See Appendix Item #27
LO-97-030 Overruled to the extent it conflicts with GA-0059 (2003)
LO-97-001 Withdrawn JC-0107 (1999)
LO-97-065 Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-488 (1998)
LO-97-049 Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-488 (1998)
LO-96-126 Overruled by Court Decision
See Appendix Item #22
LO-96-103 Affirmed by LO-98-019
LO-96-060 Affirmed by LO-97-015
LO-96-037 Overruled to extent it conflicts with JC-0228 (2000)
LO-95-088 Affirmed by LO-97-004
LO-95-073 Overruled to extent it conflicts with GA-0880 (2011)
LO-95-071 Modified by JC-0249 (2000)
LO-94-096 Modified by LO-96-045
LO-94-089 Clarified by In re Olshan Found. Repair Co., LLC, 328 S.W.3d 883 (Tex. 2010).
LO-94-053 Overruled to extent inconsistent with GA-0471 (2006)
LO-94-052 Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JC-0043 (1999)
LO-93-083 Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JC-0055 (1999)
LO-93-027 Affirmed by LO-95-48
LO-92-075 Clarified by JC-0185 (2000)
LO-92-023 Overruled by DM-277 (1993)
LO-92-010 Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-311 (1994)
LO-90-093 Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-488 (1998)
LO-90-047 Overruled by statute Tex. Loc. Gov't Code Ann § 212.004


Jim Mattox (1983 - 1990)  
JM-1274 (1990) Affirmed by DM-121 (1992)
JM-1249 (1990) Withdrawn by JM-1249-A (2000)
JM-1247 (1990) Overruled by JC-0321 (2001)
JM-1161 (1990) Affirmed by JM-1179 (1990)
JM-1093 (1989) Affirmed by JM-1118 (1989)
JM-1090 (1989) Modified by DM-279 (1993)
JM-1089 (1989) Affirmed by DM-277 (1993)
JM-1068 (1989) Affirmed by JM-1142 (1990)
JM-1060 (1989) Modified by LO-89-70
JM-1058 (1989) Affirmed by DM-191 (1992)
JM-1028 (1989) Affirmed/clarified by JM-1050 (1989)
JM-1010 (1989) Overruled in part by JC-0392 (2001)
JM-1006 (1989) Overruled by statute DM-256 (1993)
JM-986 (1988) Overruled by DM-440 (1997)
JM-983 (1988) Withdrawn by JM-1073 (1989)
JM-971 (1988) Modified by JM-1134 (1990)
JM-961 (1988) Affirmed by JC-0162 (1999)
JM-940 (1988) Superseded by statute JC-0224 (2000)
JM-923 (1988) Affirmed by DM-254 (1993)
JM-914 (1988) Corrected by JM-914a (1988)
JM-911 (1988) Overruled by DM-440 (1997)
JM-899 (1988) Modified by JM-1184 (1990)
JM-892 (1988) Overruled to extent inconsistent with JC-0036 (1999)
JM-885 (1988) Superseded to extent inconsistent with GA-0200 (2004)
JM-861 (1988) Clarified by JC-0185 (2000)
JM-855 (1988) Overruled by GA-0090 (2003)
JM-814A (1987) Withdrawn by JM-814B (1987)
JM-814 (1987) Affirmed by JM-814B (1987)
JM-801 (1987) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-158 (1992)
JM-792 (1987) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix Item #19
JM-678 (1987) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix Item #25
JM-670 (1987) Affirmed by JM-771 (1987)
JM-632 (1987) Modified by JC-0062 (1999)
JM-623 (1987) Modified by JM-1116 (1989)
JM-590 (1986) Modified by ORD-624 (1994)
JM-583 (1986) Modified by JM-1082 (1989)
JM-545 (1986) Modified by JM-1026 (1989)
JM-533 (1986) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JM-1229 (1990)
JM-519 (1986) Overruled to extent of conflict with GA-0328 (2005)
JM-509 (1986) Overruled to extent inconsistent with GA-0553 (2007)
JM-505 (1986) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JM-1220 (1990)
JM-497 (1986) Modified by LO-93-80
JM-492 (1986) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-76 (1992)
JM-482 (1986) Overruled to extent it conflicts with GA-0064 (2003)
JM-446 (1986) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with ORD-657 (1997)
JM-422 (1986) Overruled in part by JM-819 (1987)
JM-418 (1985) Affirmed by JC-0475 (2002)
JM-364 (1985) Overruled by JM-907 (1988)
JM-313 (1985) Affirmed by JM-967 (1988)
JM-290 (1985) Overruled in part by JM-482 (1986)
JM-270 (1985) Modified by Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 988b
JM-241 (1984) Modified by JM-848 (1988)
JM-219 (1984) Withdrawn by JM-239 (1984)
JM-193 (1984) Overruled in part by JM-880 (1988)
JM-190 (1984) Clarified by JM-1036 (1989)
JM-168 (1984) Overruled in part by JM-346 (1985)
JM-143 (1984) Overruled by JM-543 (1986)
JM-132 (1984) Modified by JC0249 (2000)
JM-114 (1983) Overruled in part by ORD-488 (1988)
JM-95 (1983) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-30 (1991)
JM-88 (1983) Overruled in part by JM-187 (1984)
JM-74 (1983) Affirmed by LO-95-62
JM-57 (1983) Overruled to extent inconsistent with GA-0553 (2007)
JM-36 (1983) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with ORD-615 (1993)
JM-17 (1983) Overruled by U.S. Dist. Ct. Decision See Appendix item #21
LO-90-55A Overruled GA-0386 (2005)
LO-89-060 Overruled by JM-1192 (1990)
LO-89-030 Modified by DM-246 (1993)
LO-88-114 Modified by DM-246 (1993)
LO-88-112 Modified by DM-246 (1993)
LO-88-079 Modified by JM-1063 (1989)
LO-88-049 Affirmed by GA-0015 (2003)


Mark White (1987 - 1989)  
MW-594 (1982) Overruled by JM-77 (1983)
MW-545 (1982) Superceded by statute JC-0012 (1999)
MW-528 (1982) Withdrawn by LO-88-58
MW-528 (1982) Affirmed by JM-972 (1988)
MW-517 (1982) Overruled by JM-19 (1983)
MW-499 (1982) Overruled by JM-454 (1986)
MW-497 (1982) Overruled in part by JM-436 (1986)
MW-494 (1982) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-347 (1995)
MW-461 (1982) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JM-1229 (1990)
MW-447A (1982) Affirmed by DM-459 (1997)
MW-439 (1982) Affirmed by JM-967 (1988)
MW-401 (1981) Modified by legislation
(see Tex. Elec. Code. Ann. §201.023)
GA-0046 (2003)
MW-393 (1981) Modified by JM-866 (1988)
MW-389 (1981) Overruled by JM-167 (1984)
MW-388 (1981) Modified by JM-349 (1985)
MW-382 (1981) Overruled in part by JM-314 (1985)
MW-372 (1981) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with ORD-615 (1993)
MW-365 (1981) Modified by MW-388 (1981)
MW-360 (1981) Modified by GA-0057 (2003)
MW-342 (1981) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-347 (1995)
MW-337 (1981) has been superseded in part by Tex. Const. art. VIII, § 1-g(b)
MW-303 (1981) Overruled by JM-1161 (1990)
MW-276 (1980) Overruled by JM-1092 (1989)
MW-247 (1980) Affirmed by MW-427 (1982)
MW-222 (1980) Superseded by statute DM-396 (1996)
MW-209 (1980) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JM-51 (1983)
MW-202 (1980) Affirmed by JM-966 (1988)
MW-200 (1980) Modified by LO-98-091
MW-184 (1980) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-407 (1996)
MW-169 (1980) Overruled in its entirety by GA-0340 (2005)
MW-156 (1980) Overruled by JM-1092 (1989)
MW-152 (1980) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JC-0043 (1999)
MW-97 (1979) Overruled by JM-142 (1984)
MW-56 (1979) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix item #16
MW-52 (1979) Clarified by JM-1009 (1989)


John Hill (1973 - 1978)  
H-1306 (1978) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-388 (1996)
H-1250 (1978) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix item #28 and GA-0700 (2009)
H-1229 (1978) Withdrawn by H-1229A (1978)
H-1201 (1978) Overruled by JM-250 (1984)
H-1113 (1978) Overruled by JM-947 (1988) See Appendix item #11
H-1042 (1977) Overruled by JM-1092 (1989)
H-1028 (1977) Superseded by statute DM-421 (1996)
H-1027 (1977) Overruled to extent inconsistent with GA-0365 (2005)
H-998 (1977) Overruled to extent inconsistent with GA-0021 (2003)
H-993 (1977) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with MW-437 (1982)
H-948 (1977) Overruled by JM-1161 (1990)
H-922 (1977) Overruled by JM-947 (1988) See Appendix item #11
H-908 (1976) Overruled by JM-947 (1988) See Appendix item #11
H-895 (1976) Affirmed by JM-922 (1988)
H-876 (1976) Superseded by statute JC-0562 (2002)
H-856 (1976) Affirmed by Court Decision See Appendix item #13
H-741 (1976) Cited and Approved by Court Decision See Appendix item #8
H-727 (1975) Overruled in part by GA-0214 (2004)
H-715 (1975) Overruled by JM-19 (1983)
H-708 (1975) Overruled JM-399 (1985)
H-698 (1975) Superseded by statute JC-0562 (2002)
H-620 (1975) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix item #18
H-572 (1975) Affirmed by Court Decision See Appendix item #2
H-569 (1975) Affirmed by Court Decision See Appendix item #5
H-515 (1975) Overruled by JM-1177 (1990)
H-495 (1975) Affirmed by H-960 (1977)
H-471 (1974) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-388 (1996)
H-453 (1974) Affirmed by DM-26 (1991)
H-425 (1974) Affirmed by LO-94-91
H-404 (1974) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with ORD-599 (1992)
H-399 (1974) Affirmed by Court Decision See Appendix item #6
H-367 (1974) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-454 (1974)
H-367 (1974) Affirmed by Court Decision See Appendix item #3
H-350 (1974) Affirmed by JM-1164 (1990)
H-338 (1974) Affirmed in part by Court Decision See Appendix item #7
H-304 (1974) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix item #10
H-299 (1974) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-580 (1975)
H-276 (1974) Overruled in part by ORD-391 (1983)
H-223 (1974) Affirmed by and modified to extent inconsistent with ORD-624 (1994)
H-201 (1974) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-368 (1995)
H-166 (1973) Overruled JC-0116 (1999)
H-115 (1973) Overruled to extent inconsistent with ORD-338 (1982)
H-110 (1973) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-1307 (1978)
H-90 (1973) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with ORD-344 & ORD-321 (1982)
H-61 (1973) Withdrawn by H-61-A (1973)
H-59 (1973) Modified to extent inconsistent with GA-0635 (2008)
H-50 (1973) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-1186 (1978)
H-39 (1973) Affirmed by Court Decision See Appendix item #2
H-37 (1973) Reconsidered by LA-59 (1973)
H-34 (1973) Modified by H-59 (1973)
H-6 (1973) Overruled by JC-0074 (1999)
LA-68 (1973) Overruled by JM-234 (1984)
LA-65 (1973) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with LA-137 (1977)
LA-63 (1973) Overruled by MW-415 (1981) & DM-212 (1993)
LA-61 (1973) Overruled in part by JM-480 (1986)
LA-31 (1973) Overruled by JC-0095 (1999)
LA-23 (1973) Clarified by JM-213 (1984)


Crawford Martin (1967 - 1972)  
M-1280 (1972) Overruled by JM-19 (1983)
M-1279 (1972) Overruled by JM-19 (1983)
M-1250 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-194 (1974)
M-1245-A (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-194 (1974)
M-1195 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-194 (1974)
M-1194 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-155 (1973)
M-1173 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-947 (1977)
M-1162 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with LA-6 (1973)
M-1151 (1972) Possibly overruled Court Decision See Appendix item #15
M-1149 (1972) Reconsidered by H-201 (1974)
M-1121 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-698 (1975)
M-1096 (1972) Overruled by LA-13 (1973)
M-1088 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-985 (1977) & H-619 (1975)
M-1071 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-388 (1996)
M-1060 (1972) Affirmed by Court Decision See Appendix item #14
M-1049 (1972) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with MW-500 (1982)
M-999 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1199 (1972)
M-969 (1971) Withdrawn by M-1021 (1971)
M-957 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-539 (1975) & H-276 (1974)
M-939 (1971) Modified by M-939-A (1971)
M-934 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-54 (1973)
M-919 (1971) Affirmed by M-919-A (1971)
M-911 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-82 (1973)
M-893-A (1971) Affirmed by M-934 (1971)
M-892 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-194 (1974)
M-870 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-454 (1974)
M-863 (1971) Overruled by H-125 (1973)
M-861 (1971) Overruled by LA-47 (1973)
M-850 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-465 (1974)
M-842 (1971) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-155 (1973)
M-836 (1971) Overruled by JM-1142 (1990)
M-830 (1971) Overruled by LA-5 (1973)
M-806 (1971) Affirmed by JC-0136 (1999)
M-748 (1970) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-760 (1970)
M-674 (1970) Modified by M-674-A (1970)
M-582 (1970) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-365 (1974)
M-560 (1970) Affirmed by M-872 (1971)
M-475 (1969) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-989 (1971)
M-467 (1969) Affirmed by MW-50 (1979)
M-449 (1969) Sustained by Court Decision See Appendix item #4
M-441 (1969) Overruled by JM-1092 (1989) & H-1042 (1977)
M-438 (1969) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-194 (1974)
M-395 (1969) Sustained by Court Decision See Appendix item #17
M-391 (1969) Overruled by LA-47 (1973)
M-379 (1969) Overruled by LO-97-004
M-369 (1969) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-194 (1974)
M-331 (1969) Overruled by JM-583 (1986)
M-297 (1968) Overruled by LA-55 (1973)
M-286 (1968) Overruled by M-1105 (1972)
M-267 (1968) Overruled by JM-1161 (1990)
M-261 (1968) Affirmed by H-248 (1974)
M-249 (1968) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1199 (1972)
M-223 (1968) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-317 (1995)
M-207 (1968) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-194 (1974)
M-141 (1967) Modified by H-173 (1973)
M-96 (1967) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-54 (1973)
M-28 (1967) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-634 (1975)
M-16 (1967) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix item #12


Waggoner Carr (1963 - 1966)  
C-782 (1966) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with MW-24 (1979)
C-782 (1966) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1199 (1972)
C-743 (1966) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1021 (1971)
C-739 (1966) Overruled by JM-398 (1985)
C-720 (1966) Overruled by H-125 (1973)
C-648 (1966) Overruled by statute Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 42.12 §§ 6A, 12
C-647 (1966) Overruled by H-1235 (1978)
C-646 (1966) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-454 (1974)
C-607 (1966) Overruled by JM-1092 (1989)
C-602 (1966) Overruled by H-1026 (1977) see also Appendix item #1
C-579 (1966) Superseded by H-107 (1973)
C-566 (1965) Overruled in part by JM-174 (1984)
C-511 (1965) Overruled by H-403 (1974)
C-510 (1965) Superseded in part by M-1006 (1971)
C-506 (1965) Overruled by JM-1092 (1989)
C-499 (1965) Overruled in part by JM-784 (1987)
C-485 (1965) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1199 (1972)
C-471 (1965) Superseded by GA-754 (2010)
C-449 (1965) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1199 (1972)
C-139 (1963) Overruled to extent it is inconsistent with GA-0003 (2002)
C-105 (1963) Affirmed by JM-922 (1988)
C-75 (1963) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JM-95 (1983)
C-66 (1963) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with H-904 (1976)
C-43 (1963) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-311 (1994)


Will Wilson (1957 - 1962)  
WW-1461 (1962) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1199 (1972)
WW-1424 (1962) Overruled by Court Decision See Appendix item #9
WW-1251 (1962) Overruled by JM-174 (1984)
WW-1246 (1962) Overruled by LO-94-111
WW-1241 (1962) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-303 (1994)
WW-1111 (1961) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with JM-150 (1984)
WW-1110 (1961) Overruled by WW-1110-A (1961)
WW-952 (1961) Superseded by Tex. Const. art. VI, §§ 2a; Tex. Elect. Code Ann. (arts. 5.05a-5.05d)
WW-788 (1960) Affirmed by DM-377 (1996)
WW-662 (1959) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-726 (1970)
WW-288 (1957) Superseded by statute H-107 (1973)
WW-279 (1957) Overruled to extent inconsistent with JC-0140 (1999)
WW-215 (1957) Overruled by JM-1142 (1990)
WW-196 (1957) Overruled in part by M-943 (1971)
WW-114 (1957) Overruled by JM-623 (1987)


John Ben Shepperd (1953 - 1956)  
S-51 (1953) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1021 (1971)
S-121 (1954) Overruled by Court Decision
JC-0253 (2000)
See Appendix item #23


Price Daniel (1947 - 1952)  
V-1370 (1951) Overruled by DM-212 (1993)
V-868 (1949) Overruled by JM-1161 (1990)
V-638 (1948) Modified by M-1143 (1972)
V-554 (1948) Overruled by M-1105 (1972)
V-496 (1948) Overruled by H-1026 (1977)
V-381 (1947) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-303 (1994)
V-178 (1947) Overruled to extent inconsistent with JC-0140 (1999)
V-144 (1947) Overruled in part by JM-480 (1986)
V-70 (1947) Overruled by DM-212 (1993)
V-63 (1947) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-311 (1994)


Gerald C. Mann & Grover Sellers (1939 - 1943) (1944 - 1946)  
O-7474 (1946) Overruled by GA-0153 (2004)
O-7346 (1946) Overruled by H-61-A (1973)
O-7332 (1946) Superseded by Tex. Hum. Res. Code Ann. §§ 75.042(f)
O-7327 (1946) Superseded by H-107 (1973)
O-6940 (1945) Overruled by H-1026 (1977)
O-6649 (1945) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with M-1021 (1971)
O-6508 (1945) Affirmed by H-104 (1973)
O-6456 (1945) Superseded by H-107 (1973)
O-5890 (1944) Overruled by JM-192 (1984)
O-5675 (1943) Overruled in part by JM-480 (1986)
O-4920 (1942) Overruled by JM-1161 (1990)
O-4859 (1942) Affirmed by MW-434 (1982)
O-4251 (1942) Superseded by H-107 (1973)
O-3562 (1941) Overruled by JM-623 (1987)
O-3308 (1941) Overruled to extent of conflict with GA-0328 (2005)
O-3229 (1941) Overruled by JM-1111 (1989)
O-3205-A (1941) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with DM-54 (1991)
O-2644 (1940) Affirmed by M-1201 (1972)
O-2055 (1940) Affirmed by JM-819 (1987)
O-1594 (1939) Superseded by H-107 (1973)
O-1263 (1939) Overruled in part by GA-0214 (2004)
O-1258 (1939) Affirmed by M-872 (1971)
O-561 (1939) Affirmed by H-507 (1975)
O-360 (1939) Overruled by M-872 (1971)
O-283 (1939) Overruled by O-4454 (1942)
O-125 (1939) Overruled to the extent inconsistent with LA-85 (1974)
O-48 (1939) Overruled by M-872 (1971)


Attorney General Opinions (1893 - 1938)  
No. 1809 Overruled by JM-1161 (1990)










  1. Bradley v. Swearingen, 525 S.W.2d 280 (Tex. Civ. App.-Eastland 1975, no writ) overrules C-602
  2. Broom v. Tyler County Commissioners Court, 560 S.W.2d 435 (Tex. Civ. App.-Beaumont 1977, no writ) affirmsH-572 and H-39
  3. Buel v. Jones, No. 3-5464D (N.D. Tex., Apr. 1, 1974) affirms H-367
  4. Calvert v. Thompson, 472 S.W.2d 311 (Tex. Civ. App.-Austin 1971) judgm't aff'd in part, rev'd in part, 489 S.W.2d 95 (Tex. 1972) affirms M-449
  5. Cartwright v. State, 527 S.W.2d 535, 539 (Tex. Crim. App. 1975) affirms H-569
  6. City of Amarillo v. Paramount Terrace Christian Church, 530 S.W.2d 323 (Tex. Civ. App.-Amarillo 1975, writ ref'd n.r.e.) affirms H-399
  7. City of Corpus Christi v. Herschbach, 536 S.W.2d 653, 656 (Tex. Civ. App.-Corpus Christi 1976, writ ref'd n.r.e.) affirms H-338 in part
  8. City of San Antonio v. San Antonio Indep. Sch. Dist., 535 S.W.2d 671 (Tex. Civ. App.-El Paso 1976, writ ref'd n.r.e.) affirms H-741
  9. City of Waco v. Texas Retired Teachers Residence Corp., 464 S.W.2d 346 (Tex. 1971) overrules WW-1424
  10. City of West Lake Hills v. Westwood Legal Defense Fund, 598 S.W.2d 681, 684 (Tex. Civ. App.-Waco 1980, no writ) overrules H-304
  11. Commissioners Court v. Criminal District Att'y, 690 S.W.2d 932 (Tex. App.-Austin 1985, writ ref'd n.r.e.) overrules H-1113, H-922, and H-908
  12. Gilmore v. Carr, No. CA-3-1777 (N.D. Tex.) overrules M-16
  13. Hokr v. State, 545 S.W.2d 463, 465 (Tex. Crim. App. 1977) affirms H-856
  14. International Fidelity Ins. Co. v. Sheriff of Dallas County, 476 S.W.2d 115 (Tex. Civ. App.-Beaumont 1972, writ ref'd n.r.e.) affirms M-1060
  15. Ex Parte Menefee v. State, 561 S.W.2d 822 (Tex. Crim. App. 1977) possibly overrules M-1151
  16. Pena v. Rio Grande City Consol. Indep. Sch. Dist., 616 S.W.2d 658 (Tex. 1981) overrules MW-56
  17. Texarkana Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Lewis, 470 S.W.2d 727 (Tex. Civ. App.-Texarkana 1971, no writ) sustains M-395
  18. Texas Antiquities Comm'n v. Dallas County Community College Dist., 554 S.W.2d 924 (Tex. 1977) overrules H-620
  19. Vinson v. Burgess, 773 S.W.2d 263 (Tex. 1989) overrules JM-792
  20. In the Matter of B.A.M., 980 S.W.2d 788 (Tex. App.-San Antonio 1998, pet. denied) overrules DM-200
  21. Alabama-Coushatta Indian Tribe v. Mattox, 650 F.Supp 282 (W.D. Tex. 1986) overrules JM-17
  22. Ex parte Schroeter, 958 S.W.2d 811 (Tex. Crim. App. 1997) overrules LO-96-126
  23. Trinity Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Walker County , 287 S.W.2d 717 (Tex. Civ. App. - Galveston, 1956, writ ref'd n.r.e.) overrules S-121 (1954)
  24. Owens v. State, 19 S.W.3d 480 (Tex. App.-Amarillo 2000, no pet.) overrules in part DM-466 (1998)
  25. Garcia v. State, 800 S.W.2d 872, 879 (Tex. App.-San Antonio 1990, writ denied) overrules JM-678 (1987)
  26. HEB Ministries, Inc. v. Tex. Higher Educ. Coordinating Bd., 235 S.W.3d 627 (Tex. 2007) Overrules JC-0200 (2000).
  27. Desoto Wildwood Dev., Inc. v. City of Lewisville, 184 S.W.3d 814 (Tex. App.-Fort Worth 2006, not pet.) overrules LO-97-048
  28. Gill-Massar v. Dallas County, 781 S.W.2d 612 (Tex. App.-Dallas 1989, no writ) overrules H-1250 (1978)