Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today released his assessment of the recent Texas Relocation Report, a study by the Texas Association of Realtors. In the report, Texas ranked second among states adding new residents from other states, based on the influx and outflow of people. Leading all states with the number of transplants to Texas was California. In 2015, the number of people leaving California for the Lone Star State was 65,546.

“The data in this report came as no surprise to Texans, especially those who have transplanted from California,” said Attorney General Paxton. “I talk to people almost every day who made the trek from California to Texas, and without fail, they tell me their move is due to either greater job opportunities, much lower-priced housing, an escape from a left-coast political climate, or just a better quality of culture and life.”

In the study, Texas ranked second among all states for the largest inflow of residents. In 2015, 553,032 people moved to Texas. Only Florida had more people moving to their state. As for states with the largest resident outflows, California and New York topped that list. California lost 643,710 people, edging out New York by nearly 200,000 residents looking to move elsewhere.