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Create Catastrophe Notice

Contact Information
Provide the contact information of the governmental body’s Public Information Officer or an authorized agent. The person listed should be able to answer any questions the OAG may have regarding the governmental body’s catastrophe notice.
Enter the job title of the person submitting this form.
Enter the phone number to contact you about this submission. This is not part of the form and will not be posted. However, this information could be subject to release under the Public Information Act
Enter the email address to contact you about this submission. This is not part of the form and will not be posted. However, this information could be subject to release under the Public Information Act.
Governmental Body
Pursuant to section 552.2325(b), a governmental body may suspend the applicability of the requirements of the Public Information Act (the “Act”) if the governmental body is currently significantly impacted by a catastrophe such that the catastrophe directly causes the inability of a governmental body to comply with the requirements of the Act and provides proper notice in accordance with this section. Provide the name of the governmental body impacted by the catastrophe.
Add the city where your governmental body is located.
Choose the county where your governmental body is located.
For the initial suspension period, the start date may not be more than 2 calendar days before the submission date.
Indicate how many calendar days for this suspension (1-7). The suspension period includes the start date of the suspension.
Check this box if this is an extension of a previous submitted notice. Please note that section 552.2325(d) states that the governmental body may suspend the applicability of the requirements of the Act only once for each catastrophe. Additionally, sections 552.2325(f) and (g) state a governmental body that initiates a suspension period under subsection (d) may not initiate another suspension period related to the same catastrophe, except for a single extension period, and that the combined suspension period of both the initial and extension may not exceed a total of 14 consecutive calendar days with respect to any single catastrophe.
Describe the catastrophe impacting the governmental body.
By checking this box, I certify that I am the Public Information Officer, or authorized agent, for the governmental body submitting this catastrophe notice.