Administration And Administrators
Ken Paxton
The community college system must determine, in good faith and subject to review for abuse of discretion, whether the reimbursement expenditure is primarily for a college system purpose and not merely for the trustee's personal interest and that the quo warranto proceeding involved actions taken by the trustee that were within the scope of his official duties.
Ken Paxton
College trustee and county commissioner, simultaneous service as|Incompatibility of simultaneous service as college trustee and county commissioner
Ken Paxton
handguns from campus locations due to the presence of minors. A junior or community college may not categorically prohibit concealed|A junior or community college may not categorically prohibit concealed handguns from campus locations due to the presence of minors.|Under Government Code subsection 411.2031(d-1), the president or other chief executive officer of the junior or community college may establish rules, regulations, and other provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders that accommodate the unique nature of a particular campus provided that such rules, regulations, or provisions do not generally prohibit or have the effect of generally prohibiting license holders from carrying concealed handguns on the campus of the institution.
Ken Paxton
Although unnecessary within context of Government Code section 411.2031(d-1), a junior college district board of trustee rule authorizing concealed handguns in its open meetings would primarily serve as means of affirming or publicizing license holder's right to carry the concealed handgun into the open meeting held on the institution's campus.|License holder who carries a concealed handgun into an open meeting of a junior college district board of trustees in which no Penal Code section 30.06 trespass notice was posted would have a defense to the prosecution of Penal Code subsection 46.035(c)
Dan Morales
Training requirements for trustees of junior college, Board may not mandate | Junior college district trustees are not authorized requestors of attorney general opinion | Attorney general opinions, junior college district trustees are not authorized requestors of | Training requirements for trustees of junior college, Higher Education Coordinating Board may not mandate