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Expenses And Reimbursement


Ken Paxton

Attorney's fees of county commissioners investigated for violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act

Ken Paxton

Scope of Local Government Code section 157.901 concerning county's duty to provide legal representation of county officers and employees

Ken Paxton

Under the common law, a county commissioners court has discretion to reimburse legal expenses incurred by a county commissioner in the defense of a criminal matter which results in a finding of not guilty if the prosecution was for actions that were within scope of official duties and defense is primarily for a county purpose and not a personal interest.

Greg Abbott

Notice to elected officers of proposed salary and expenses for upcoming fiscal year, commissioners court must provide after it receives proposed budget from county judge so long as time is sufficient to allow aggrieved officer to file grievance and to have|Notice to elected officers of proposed salary and expenses for upcoming fiscal year, commissioners court must provide after it receives proposed budget from county judge so long as time is sufficient to allow aggrieved officer to file grievance and to hav

Greg Abbott

Official court reporter for multi-county district court, reimbursement for expenses of performing official duties in reporter’s county of residence and in other counties \r\n\r\nCourt reporter for district court is not an employee within Local Government Code section 152.011|Official court reporter for multi-county district court, reimbursement for expenses of performing official duties in reporter’s county of residence and in other counties

Dan Morales

Travel expenses of forensic pathologist applicant, county commissioners court's authority to use county funds to pay|Travel expenses of forensic pathologist applicant, county commissioners court's use of public funds to pay

Dan Morales

Election contest, county may not reimburse sheriff for legal fees incurred in defending|Contested election, county may not reimburse sheriff for legal fees

John Cornyn

Conference registration fees and lodging expenses, county constitutionally may pay official's or employee's if commissioners court determines that the expenditure will serve a public purpose and attaches sufficient conditions to the expenditure|Salaries, county probably may not pay in advance of services being rendered|Public notices, county probably may pay publisher in advance of printing|Conference registration and lodging fees, county probably may pay|Public purpose, expenditure to private entity from county funds must serve and must be accompanied by conditions to ensure accomplishment of

Ken Paxton

Under article 102.0121 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
the commissioners court, not the prosecuting attorney, ultimately
determines the authorized uses of the county pretrial intervention
program fund. The statute authorizes the commissioners court to
use the pretrial intervention fund for an employee's salary, salary
supplement, or a benefit only to the extent the use of the fund is
solely for the administration of the program.