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Federal Public Information Statutes


Greg Abbott

Public Information Act exception relating to criminal investigations does not preclude county commissioners from accessing county records they are otherwise entitled to review|Employee insurance records, subject to privacy constraints imposed by state and federal law an individual county commissioner is entitled to access|Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Privacy Rule, whether Privacy Rule under HIPAA permits disclosure of medical insurance coverage information regarding a former commissioner and his wife is a question of fact and beyond scope of |Medical Practice Act makes confidential patient-physician communications and records and limits their disclosure and subsequent redisclosure|Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Privacy Rule, whether Privacy Rule under HIPAA permits disclosure of medical insurance coverage information regarding a former commissioner and his wife is a question of fact and beyond the scope

John Cornyn

Driver's Privacy Protection Act applies to personal information collected by the Texas Department of Safety in connection with driver's licenses|Federal Driver's Privacy Protection Act applies to personal information collected by the Texas Department of Safety in connection with driver's licenses|Electronically coded information on driver's license, private club licensed to serve alcoholic beverages may not use the magnetic strip on members' driver's licenses to obtain members' driver's license numbers in order to create or maintain club membershi|Driver's license, private club licensed to serve alcoholic beverages may not use magnetic strip on members' driver's licenses to obtain members' driver's license numbers in order to create or maintain club membership lists

John Cornyn

Confidential identifying information about patients, hospitals may disclose to Texas Health Care Information Council without patient's written authorization|Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, Standards for under Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996|Confidential identifying information about patients; hospitals may disclose to Texas Health Care Information Council without patient's written authorization|Hospitals may disclose confidential identifying information about patients to council without patient's written authorization