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Mental Health And Mental Retardation, Department Of


Dan Morales

Architectural improvements to private homes, Department may not use funds other than those appropriated to make | Architectural improvements to private homes, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation may not use funds other than those appropriated to make

Dan Morales

Bona fide category of employees, merit raise given to spouse of superintendent of Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation school who is employed at the same facility is not raise given to|Nepotism prohibitions, merit raise given to spouse of superintendent of Department's school who is employed at the same facility is not raise given to a bona fide category of employees for the purposes of|Bona fide category of employees

Dan Morales

Private psychiatric facilities and psychiatric care provided by general hospital, inspection and standard setting authority of Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation and Texas Department of Health over|Private psychiatric facilities and psychiatric care provided by general hospital, inspection and standard setting authority of

Dan Morales

Federal Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act does not require or authorize Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to disclose otherwise confidential records to law enforcement officers performing background checks|Federal Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act does not require or authorize Department to disclose otherwise confidential records to law enforcement officers performing background checks

John Cornyn

Access to records, federally-funded state protection and advocacy systems for persons with mental illness or developmental disabilities may, in accordance with federal law, have access to records even if person's legal guardian objects to such access|Inconsistent state laws, although Texas law grants legal guardians the right of care, control, and protection of their wards, the Supremacy Clause requires inconsistent state laws to yield to valid federal laws and regulations|Access to records of persons with mental illness or developmental disabilities who reside in facilities operated by the Department, a federally-funded state protection and advocacy system for such persons, Advocacy, Inc., may have access to records even i