The Texas Legislature passed House Bill 390, (87th Regular Session) which requires the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to approve training for the hospitality industry.  House Bill 390 seeks to provide additional opportunities for human trafficking to be reported to law enforcement by requiring human trafficking training for workers directly employed by certain commercial lodging establishments.  This annual training requirement only applies to commercial lodging establishments of 10 or more rooms, but is encouraged for all lodging establishments in the State of Texas regardless of size. This list will be expanded as more courses are approved.  For course-specific questions please contact the training organization directly. For general questions, please contact

Approved Training Videos
Organization NameCourse TitleCourse LengthLanguage(s)CostDelivery Method & Link
Office of the Attorney General“Human Trafficking Hotel Training”22 minutesEnglishFreeOnline
Etactics“Human Trafficking – Texas”26 minutesEnglish$1/user/monthOnline
Unbound Now“Identifying and Responding to Human Trafficking: Commercial Lodging & Hospitality Industry”25 minutesEnglishFreeOnline & in-person; Contact for more information
Unbound Now“Identifying and Responding to Human Trafficking: Commercial Lodging & Hospitality Industry”25 minutesSpanishFreeOnline & in-person; Contact for more information
Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking“Inhospitable to Human Trafficking Training”30-45 minutesEnglish and SpanishVariesOnline & in-person; contact BEST’s Corporate Relations Manager, Rebekah Covington, at for more information
Extended Stay America“Human Trafficking Training”30 minutesEnglishFreeOnline via internal website only accessible to ESA associates.
Marriott International"Recognize and Respond: Addressing Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry"60 or 80 minutesEnglishFreeAvailable to Marriott associates. Contact Abbe Horswill at for more information
ECPAT-USA"Your Role in Preventing Human Trafficking: Recognize the Signs"30 minutesEnglish and Spanish* (ECPAT offers training in other languages but only the English & Spanish versions meet the OAG requirements)FreeOnline; contact for more information 
Texas Advocacy Project"Human Trafficking Prevention in the Hospitality Industry"33 minutesEnglishFreeOnline; contact for more information 
Refugee Services of Texas"Survivor Services/HT101"60 minutesEnglishFreeIn-person; Contact or for more information 
PBJ LearningHuman Trafficking Essentials: Texas Hospitality Awareness HB 39026 MinutesEnglish$24.99Online
Compliance Learning SolutionsCombating Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry45 MinutesEnglish$25.95Online