AG Pax­ton Launch­es New City­wide Immer­sive Train­ing Ini­tia­tive to Com­bat Human Traf­fick­ing in Texas

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced the launch of new partnerships between his office and cities across the state to educate and mobilize Texans in the fight against human trafficking.

June 24, 2019 | Noteworthy

Law Enforce­ment Division’s Cap­tain Wes Hens­ley Hon­ored for Valor

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that Captain Wes Hensley from the Law Enforcement Division of his office received an award for valor during the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement’s annual Law Enforcement Achievement Awards Ceremony at the state Capitol.

June 21, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Applauds SCO­TUS Deci­sion Pro­tect­ing Cross at Vet­er­ans Memorial

The U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that a cross may continue to mark a World War I veterans memorial in Bladensburg, Maryland.

June 20, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Hails Supreme Court Deci­sion Uphold­ing States’ Rights to Pros­e­cute Criminals

Attorney General Ken Paxton today commended the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding its longstanding view on states’ rights to prosecute criminals.

June 17, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Leads 16-State Brief in Sup­port of Expand­ing Health Cov­er­age Options for Small Businesses

Attorney General Ken Paxton, joined by 15 other states, filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the U.S. D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in support of the U.S. Department of Labor’s rule allowing millions of Americans employed by small businesses to access quality, affordable health coverage via Association Health Plans.

June 10, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Paxton’s Office and Chil­dren at Risk Hold Press Con­fer­ence to Alert Pub­lic to Threat of Ille­gal Mas­sage Businesses

The Texas Office of the Attorney General’s Rick Berlin and nonprofit Children at Risk held a press conference today in Houston to explain the high risk of human trafficking and increased crime in illicit massage businesses.

June 06, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton: HHS Pro­pos­es Rule that Would Pro­tect Health­care Con­science Rights, and Undo Unlaw­ful Oba­macare Rule that Texas Suc­cess­ful­ly Challenged

The Trump administration opened the public comment period on its potential repeal of an unlawful Obama-era health care regulation that redefined sex discrimination to include gender identity and abortion.

May 24, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Files Brief Sup­port­ing Fed­er­al Law Giv­ing Texas, Oth­er States More Tools to Fight Sex Trafficking

Leading a 21-state coalition, Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of a federal law that gives state prosecutors greater authority to take legal action against websites that host sex-trafficking ads.

April 22, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton: Texas Supreme Court Rul­ing Allows State to Con­ceal Iden­ti­ty of Exe­cu­tion Drug Supplier

Attorney General Ken Paxton today applauded a Texas Supreme Court ruling that maintains the vital ability of the state to protect the identity of its execution drug supplier.

April 12, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Joins Mul­ti-State Coali­tion Brief Defend­ing Trump Admin­is­tra­tion Title X Fund­ing Rule to Pro­tect the Unborn

Attorney General Ken Paxton today joined a multistate coalition brief defending a new Trump Administration rule for the Title X grant program which allows family planning services to cease providing abortion counseling and referral.

April 09, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Hails SCO­TUS Deci­sion Back­ing Mis­souri in Death Penal­ty Case

Attorney General Ken Paxton today applauded the U.S. Supreme Court after it rejected a death row inmate’s challenge to Missouri’s plan to execute him by lethal injection.

April 02, 2019 | Noteworthy