Pax­ton Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion to Pre­vent it from Block­ing Texas’s Man­age­ment of its Own Environment

Attorney General Paxton has filed a petition for review challenging an order by President Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) that disapproves Texas’s state implementation plan (“SIP”), which was developed in coordination with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) to ensure that Texas complied with federal air quality standards.  

February 14, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Con­demns Yelp for Dis­crim­i­nat­ing Against Cri­sis Preg­nan­cy Centers

Attorney General Paxton has sent a Kentucky-led letter to the CEO of Yelp condemning the company’s efforts to discriminate against crisis pregnancy centers.

February 14, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Warns CVS and Wal­greens on the Ille­gal­i­ties of Send­ing Abor­tion Pills Through the Mail

Attorney General Paxton has joined two Missouri-led multistate letters being sent to CVS and Walgreens concerning their decision to seek approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) to use the mail to sell abortion pills.  

February 14, 2023 | Press Release

ICY­MI: Pax­ton Pub­lish­es Op-Ed on the Impor­tance of Attor­neys Gen­er­al Fight­ing Back Against the Biden Administration’s Lawlessness

Attorney General Paxton has published an Op-Ed in Newsweek detailing the important work that both he and other allied attorneys general are doing to defend our southern border and push back against the Biden Administration’s attempts to destroy American sovereignty.  

February 13, 2023 | Press Release

Inves­ti­ga­tion by Paxton’s Med­ic­aid Fraud Unit Helps Lead to Arrest of Nine Indi­vid­u­als Accused of Dis­trib­ut­ing 1.5 Mil­lion Opi­oid Pills

As a result of a joint investigation by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, the DEA, FBI, the US Postal Service-Office of Inspector General, and the US Postal Inspection Service, nine individuals have been arrested in Houston for the unlawful distribution of 1.5 million opioid pills and other controlled substances.

February 13, 2023 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Paxton’s Law Enforce­ment Round-Up: Jan­u­ary 1 – 152023

The law enforcement round-up is comprised of important arrests from the Fugitive Apprehension Unit.

February 10, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion to Block Ille­gal Rule that Infringes on the Sec­ond Amend­ment Rights of Americans

Attorney General Paxton, along with a coalition of other plaintiffs, is suing the Biden Administration over a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) rule targeting pistol owners who use stabilizing braces.

February 09, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Urges Con­gress to Cur­tail the Biden Administration’s Use of Emer­gency Pow­ers to Imple­ment a Left-Wing Agenda

Attorney General Paxton has joined an Alabama-led letter sent to Congressional leaders, requesting that they put an end to the Biden Administration’s liberal use of emergency powers, especially by the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) and the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”).  

February 09, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Issues Con­sumer Alert to Help Inform Tex­ans of their Con­sumer Rights Fol­low­ing Last Week’s Ice Storms

Attorney General Paxton is monitoring reports of price gouging after Governor Abbott issued an Ice Storm Disaster Declaration for seven counties affected by last week’s storm, which triggered the Office of the Attorney General’s price gouging authority.  

February 08, 2023 | Press Release