AG Pax­ton Demands Black­Rock Account for its Under­per­form­ing, Poten­tial­ly Ille­gal ESG’ State Pen­sion Fund Investments

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined 18 other states in a letter to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink challenging his company’s reliance on Environmental, Social, and Governance investment criteria rather than shareholder profits in managing state pension funds.

August 08, 2022 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Files for Injunc­tion to Stop Biden Admin­is­tra­tion from Forc­ing Health­care Providers to Use State Fund­ing for Abortions

Yesterday Attorney General Paxton filed a motion to enjoin the Biden Administration from using a provision of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) to require Texas hospitals and doctors to perform abortions as a condition of receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding. 

August 04, 2022 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Announces the For­ma­tion of a Nation­wide Anti-Robo­call Lit­i­ga­tion Task Force

Attorney General Paxton today announced that the State of Texas is joining a nationwide Anti-Robocall Litigation Task Force with 49 other states to investigate and take legal action against the telecommunications companies responsible for bringing a majority of foreign robocalls into the United States.

August 02, 2022 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Joins 21 States in Ami­cus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court to Reex­am­ine Spend­ing Clause Precedent

Attorney General Paxton joined an Indiana-led amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court, with 22 states in all, in Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County v. Talevski, No. 21-806 (U.S.).

August 02, 2022 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Announces $2.37 Bil­lion Agree­ment to Set­tle with For­mer Opi­oid Maker

For the second time this week, Attorney General Paxton and a bipartisan group of attorneys general announced an agreement in principle to address the opioid crisis

July 29, 2022 | Press Release

Opi­oids Mak­er Teva Agrees to $4.25 bil­lion set­tle­ment: Pre­lim­i­nary Agree­ment Will Pro­vide Cash and Nalox­one to Address Opi­oids Crisis

Attorney General Paxton has reached an agreement on key financial terms with opioid maker Teva, which would provide up to $4.25 billion to participating states and local governments.

July 29, 2022 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Joins Coali­tion to Stop Biden Admin­is­tra­tion from Reg­u­lat­ing Non-Func­tion­al Firearm Parts

Attorney General Ken Paxton joined an Arizona-led 17-state complaint against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Department of Justice, and the Acting Director of ATF, to fight the Biden administration’s unconstitutional rulemaking that would regulate firearm parts manufacturers.

July 28, 2022 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Leads Coali­tion to Stop the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion from Exac­er­bat­ing Infla­tion with Cli­mate Action

Attorney General Ken Paxton led a multistate letter urging President Biden to stop fast-tracking inflation by implementing expensive and unfunded measures to address his so-called “climate emergency.”

July 28, 2022 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Pub­lish­es New Guid­ance Upon Issuance of SCOTUS’s Dobbs Judgment

Today Attorney General Paxton released a guidance letter following the U.S. Supreme Court’s issuance of a judgment in the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade.  

July 27, 2022 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion for Threat­en­ing to With­hold Nutri­tion Assis­tance for School Pro­grams that Do Not Adhere to Gen­der Iden­ti­ty” Policy

Attorney General Paxton joined 22 attorneys general in a lawsuit filed against the Biden Administration’s new guidance on sex discrimination for schools and programs that receive federal nutritional assistance.

July 26, 2022 | Press Release