AG Pax­ton Warns Coun­ty Judges and Local Offi­cials on Unlaw­ful COVID-19 Orders

Attorney General Ken Paxton today issued letters to three Texas counties (Dallas, Bexar, and Travis) and two mayors (San Antonio and Austin), warning that some requirements in their local public health orders are unlawful and can confuse law-abiding citizens.

May 12, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Joins Let­ter Urg­ing Con­gress to Pro­tect Busi­ness­es from Base­less Law­suits as the Econ­o­my Reopens

Attorney General Ken Paxton today joined a coalition of 21 attorneys general urging Congress to implement liability protections for businesses, manufacturers of personal protective equipment, first responders, healthcare workers, healthcare facilities, and members of law enforcement, among others.

May 12, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Files Brief Seek­ing to Pre­vent Vot­er Fraud Through the Unlaw­ful Expan­sion of Mail-In Voting

Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a brief with the Court of Appeals for the Fourteenth Judicial District in Houston, defending the Texas Election Code requirements for submitting a mail-in ballot.

May 11, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Will Fight to Keep Con­vict­ed Child Mur­der­er Rosa Jimenez in Jail While Her Case Pro­ceeds at the Fifth Circuit

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that he will not drop the appeal in convicted child murderer Rosa Jimenez’s case which is currently pending at the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

May 08, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Issues Let­ter to Dal­las Coun­ty Judges in Defense of Out­raged Texans

 Attorney General Ken Paxton  today  sent a letter to a group of Dallas  County  judges who spoke out against his call to release Shelley Luther from jail for opening her salon to feed her family.

May 07, 2020 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Com­mends Texas Supreme Court for Order­ing the Release of Jailed Dal­las Salon Owner

Attorney General Ken Paxton  today  commended the Texas Supreme Court for issuing an order granting the release of salon owner Shelley Luther, who was jailed for opening her salon and working in order to feed her family and assist employees with providing for their own families.

May 07, 2020 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Applauds Gov­er­nor Abbott for Elim­i­nat­ing Con­fine­ment as Pun­ish­ment for Vio­lat­ing COVID-19 Exec­u­tive Orders

Attorney General Ken Paxton  today  commended Governor Greg Abbott for eliminating confinement as a punishment for violating his executive orders related to COVID-19.

May 07, 2020 | Press Release

CON­SUMER ALERT: AG Pax­ton Warns of Scam­mers Imper­son­at­ing Gov­ern­ment Entities

Attorney General Ken Paxton  today  warned Texans that scammers have been spotted posing as state agencies to solicit money from hardworking consumers.

May 07, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Announces Coor­di­nat­ing Coun­cil Plan to Help Erad­i­cate Human Trafficking

Attorney General Ken Paxton  today announced that his office, leading the Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinating Council, released Phase I of a five-year strategic plan to halt and prevent human trafficking in Texas.

May 06, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Calls for Imme­di­ate Release of Salon Own­er Unjust­ly Jailed for Work­ing to Feed Her Family

Attorney General Ken Paxton  today  sent a letter to a Dallas County judge, stating that he abused his authority by putting Shelley Luther, owner of a hair salon, in jail for opening her salon to feed her family. 

May 06, 2020 | Press Release