AG Pax­ton Leads 12-State Brief with SCO­TUS Chal­leng­ing Con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the Con­sumer Finan­cial Pro­tec­tion Bureau

Leading a coalition of 12 states, Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting a challenge to the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

July 31, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Leads 16-State Coali­tion Brief Ask­ing 7th Cir­cuit to Allow Indi­ana to Pro­tect the Health and Safe­ty of Women

Leading a coalition of 16 states, Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit explaining why Indiana’s reasonable licensing requirements for abortion clinics are constitutional.

July 23, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Applauds Court Deci­sion Uphold­ing Flex­i­bil­i­ty and Afford­abil­i­ty in Health Insur­ance Coverage

A district court in Washington, D.C. on Friday delivered the Trump Administration a major victory in its attempt to allow consumers to improve access to affordable healthcare coverage through short-term plans.

July 22, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Announces His­toric $600 Mil­lion Data Breach Set­tle­ment with Equifax

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that a coalition of 50 attorneys general reached the largest data breach settlement in history with Equifax, resolving an investigation into a massive data breach first disclosed by the company in September 2017.

July 22, 2019 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Inter­venes in Law­suit to Strike Down the City of San Antonio’s Unlaw­ful Paid Sick Leave Ordinance

Attorney General Ken Paxton today intervened in a lawsuit filed by a dozen business organizations against the city of San Antonio to strike down the city’s unlawful sick leave ordinance.

July 19, 2019 | Press Release

AG Paxton’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests Kemp­n­er Man for Online Solic­i­ta­tion of a Minor

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that the Child Exploitation Unit of his office arrested 43-year-old Christopher Carl Camacho, of Kempner, Texas, on charges of online solicitation of a minor.

July 15, 2019 | Press Release

AG Paxton’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests Austin Man for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that the Child Exploitation Unit of his office arrested 52-year-old Charles Glenn Koss, of Austin, Texas, on three counts of possession of child pornography, a third-degree felony.

July 15, 2019 | Press Release