AG Pax­ton Dis­patch­es Let­ters to Three School Dis­tricts to Halt Unlaw­ful Electioneering

“My office fully encourages Texas schools to educate their students on civic duties and assist them in registering to vote. But pushing faculty or others to vote for a particular person is a clear violation of the Texas Election and Education Codes,” Attorney General Paxton said. “These school districts must understand that they are responsible, as all state agencies are, for refraining from spending public funds on advocating for or opposing political candidates. The electioneering of these school districts is unacceptable and a poor example of the civic responsibility, integrity, and honesty that Texas educators should model for our students.”

February 14, 2018

AG Pax­ton Joins Bipar­ti­san Coali­tion Urg­ing Con­gress To End Secret Sex­u­al Harass­ment Settlements

“Congress today has both opportunity and cause to champion the rights of victims of sexual harassment in the workplace by enacting legislation to free them from the injustice of forced arbitration and secrecy when it comes to seeking redress from egregious misconduct condemned by all concerned Americans,” the attorneys general wrote.

February 13, 2018

AG Pax­ton Releas­es State­ment on Pres­i­dent Trump’s Nom­i­na­tion of For­mer Texas Deputy Solic­i­tor Gen­er­al Andrew Old­ham to the 5th Circuit

“Along with being one of the brightest legal minds around, Andy Oldham has a proven and distinguished record of excellence, professionalism and public service,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Judges who adhere to the Constitution and rule of law are desperately needed today, and I'm confident that Andy will faithfully fulfill that duty when his nomination to the 5th Circuit is confirmed.”

February 12, 2018

AG Pax­ton Files Brief to Defend Ari­zona Law Keep­ing Tax­pay­er Mon­ey from Firms that Boy­cott Israel

“The movement to boycott companies and citizens based on nothing more than the Israeli nationality listed on their articles of incorporation or passports is an attempt to cause economic isolation and injury to a key ally and trading partner of Texas and the rest of the United States,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Arizona's law, which is similar to those in Texas, Nevada and many other states, simply supports a long-established principle of non-discrimination and is wholly constitutional.”

February 09, 2018

AG Pax­ton Announces Sig­nif­i­cant Vot­er Fraud Ini­tia­tive and Offers Assis­tance in Address­ing Starr Coun­ty Vot­er Fraud

“It is an honor that District Attorney Escobar invited my office to assist him with both enforcement and education. We will do everything within our abilities and resources to solidify trust in the voting process, and we hope that Chairman Hughes will consider important legal remedies to this state-wide issue,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Voting for our elected leaders is a solemn right the American people hold. We must protect the integrity of that process.”

February 05, 2018

AG Pax­ton Halts Sale of Ille­gal Syn­thet­ic Drugs in $2.5 Mil­lion Set­tle­ment with Hous­ton Smoke Shop

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that his office, in coordination with Harris County and the city of Houston, obtained a permanent injunction to shut down Fantasy Smoking and Accessories, which sold synthetic cannabinoids without disclosing that the substances are illegal and potentially dangerous. Store owners Glenn and Judy Cohen will pay more than $2.5 million in a final settlement.

February 02, 2018

AG Ken Pax­ton: Texas Pre­vails Over the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion’s Unlaw­ful Felon Hir­ing Rule

“The Obama Administration overreached its legal authority by imposing EEOC hiring directives that preempt state law and ignore the very real risks to public safety,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Texas has the sovereign right to impose categorical bans on the hiring of criminals for such jobs as state troopers, school teachers and jailers, and the EEOC has no authority to say otherwise. Requiring Texas to issue badges and guns to felons is bad policy and unlawful.”

February 01, 2018

AG Pax­ton’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests Lore­na Man for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested Thomas Lee Scott, 58, of Lorena, on two counts of Possession of Child Pornography, a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison per charge.

January 31, 2018

AG Pax­ton Leads 15-State Coali­tion Defend­ing Ken­tucky Informed-Con­sent Law to Pro­tect the Health of Moth­ers and the Life of the Unborn

“Legislation enacted in Kentucky, Texas, and other states ensures that a woman seeking an abortion has all the facts about the life she is carrying, and understands the devastating impact of such a life-ending decision,” Attorney General Paxton said. “We will fight any attempt to block state laws that value and protect the health of the mother and the life of the unborn.”

January 30, 2018

AG Pax­ton Stands Com­mit­ted to Hon­or­ing the Dig­ni­ty of the Unborn and Defend­ing Texas Law on the Humane Dis­po­si­tion of Fetal Remains

“Texas values the dignity of the remains of the unborn and believes that fetal tissue should be disposed of properly and humanely,” Attorney General Paxton said. “My office will continue to fight to uphold the constitutionality of the new law, which simply prevents fetal remains from being treated as medical waste.”

January 29, 2018