AG Pax­ton: Fifth Cir­cuit Blocks EPA Region­al Haze Rule

Texas has “demonstrated a strong likelihood of success in establishing that the EPA acted arbitrarily, capriciously, and in excess of its statutory authority when it disapproved the Texas and Oklahoma implementation plans and imposed a federal implementation plan.”

July 19, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Don’t Get Tak­en by Scam­mers Who May Try to Cap­i­tal­ize on the Dal­las Shootings

Texans are known for opening their hearts and their wallets to others in times of need. Attorney General Ken Paxton today encouraged any citizens who want to donate to the victims of the Dallas shootings to give compassionately, but give carefully.

July 14, 2016

Texas AG Files Set­tle­ment Against Flori­da Com­pa­ny for Nation­wide Tech Sup­port Scam

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced a settlement with a Florida tech company, PC Cleaner, Inc. The settlement stems from the state’s investigation into the company and CEO Cashier Myricks for violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA).

July 14, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Beware of E‑mail Scams Con­tain­ing Mali­cious Software

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today warned Texans of suspicious e-mails containing malicious software seemingly coming from the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The e-mail claims to come from the Consumer Protection Division to inform business owners that a complaint has been filed against their organization. A link to the complaint is provided and once clicked on it downloads harmful software onto the computer.

July 13, 2016

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Extends Sup­port for Law Enforce­ment Offi­cers in Dallas

“My heart goes out to the victims’ families and their loved ones. I have directed my office to provide all necessary resources to support the efforts of law enforcement to investigate, prosecute and hold accountable those responsible for last night’s horrific attack. The loss of the five officers in Dallas in the line of duty is a somber reminder of the heroic sacrifices these brave men and women perform each day to keep us safe. Today, we must all come together to honor their selfless service and sacrifice.”

July 08, 2016

Mobile Site Offers Con­ve­nience to Child Sup­port Customers

“The Office of the Attorney General is committed to providing excellent customer service to mothers and fathers who pay and receive child support. I am pleased that CSI Mobile is available because it will provide more convenience to the families we serve.”

July 07, 2016

AG Pax­ton: State­ment Regard­ing Law­suit Filed by Three UT Professors

“This lawsuit is not only baseless, it is an insult to the millions of law abiding gun owners in Texas and across this country. The Texas Legislature passed a constitutionally sound law, and I will vigorously defend it. Adults who are licensed by the State to carry a handgun anywhere in Texas do not suddenly become a menace to society when they set foot on campus. The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed for all Americans, including college students, and must be vigilantly protected and preserved.”

July 07, 2016

Thir­teen States Seek Nation­wide Injunc­tion Against Oba­ma’s Bath­room Rules

“The nation’s schools, and every place of employment, are now in the crosshairs of the Obama Administration, which maintains it will punish those who do not comply with its orders,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton. “Schools are facing the potential loss of funding for simply exercising the authority to implement the policies that best protect their students. Every employer is now being threatened for not bowing to anyone that identifies as the opposite sex.”

July 06, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: TX Obtains Order to Halt Tobac­co Shop’s Sale of Syn­thet­ic Drugs

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that his office obtained a temporary restraining order (TRO) against Tobacco Junction #1, Tobacco Junction #2, its owners, and Kassi Business, Inc., prohibiting the sale of synthetic marijuana. The TRO stems from the joint operation of the Texas Attorney General’s Office and Corpus Christi Police Department’s Narcotic Vice Investigation Division (NVID) and found that the tobacco shop’s owners were in violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practice Act.

July 01, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Dis­miss­es Law­suit Against Vir­gin Islands AG

“The so-called 'investigation' by Walker was a constitutionally improper attempt to suppress the freedom of speech based only on the content being communicated. In America, we have the freedom to disagree, and we do not legally prosecute people just because their opinion is different from ours. We are glad that the abuse of power by Attorney General Walker, and those that he hired, has come to an end,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton. “Attorneys working for the government should be motivated by public interest, not financial gain.”

June 30, 2016 | Press Release