Over­whelm­ing Nation­al Sup­port in Supreme Court for Texas’ Case Against the Pres­i­den­t’s Immi­gra­tion Action

“This lawsuit to stop President Obama’s illegal immigration policy is about a concept as old as the nation’s founding ”“ the separation of powers,” Attorney General Paxton said. “These amicus briefs represent the growing national opposition to the Obama Administration’s unilateral action. No president has the power to override the will of the People as vested in our Constitution, and I look forward to taking this case before the highest court later this month on behalf of 26 states.”

April 05, 2016

Vic­to­ry for Texas in the U.S. Supreme Court in Even­wel v. Abbott

We are pleased with the unanimous decision of the Court. My office is committed to defending the Constitution and ensuring the state legislature, representing the citizens, continues to have the freedom to ensure voting rights consistent with the Constitution.

April 04, 2016

Texas Secures Unan­i­mous Vic­to­ry in Texas Supreme Court

“Tobacco producers who have not taken responsibility for the ill-health effects of their products must not enjoy a competitive advantage over producers who do,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Today’s ruling ensures that certain tobacco companies will be unable to market cheaper products to younger audiences by avoiding the fees other companies are voluntarily paying, and the marketing restrictions they have agreed to.”

April 01, 2016

Texas Asks Court to Halt Impo­si­tion of Dras­tic Region­al Haze Regulations

The EPA admits this plan would cost billions, with no perceptible improvement in air quality,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Much like its like-minded Clean Power Plan, this is a case of the EPA attempting to restructure the national electric grid, without the authority to do so.

March 18, 2016

Texas Defends Impor­tant Wom­en’s Health Pro­tec­tions at U.S. Supreme Court

“Today, Texas made a strong case defending our efforts to protect the health and safety of women in our state,” Attorney General Paxton said. “If our law is upheld, women in Texas will be safer. If any part is struck down, women in Texas will be less safe, and that would be a tragedy.”

March 02, 2016

Texas Files Suit Against EPA Over Impo­si­tion of Dras­tic Region­al Haze Regulations

“Texas already has a plan that meets the standards of the Clean Air Act, however, once again, the Obama Administration is misinterpreting and misusing federal agencies to force through a radical agenda based more on the beliefs of his environmentalist base than on common sense,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The steps Washington is demanding we take are extraordinarily expensive, will result in a less-reliable electric grid and ultimately have no significant effect on visibility in Texas.”

February 29, 2016

Three States Join Texas’ Law­suit Against Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment over Oba­macare Tax

“More states are realizing this is yet another example of the Obama Administration writing the law through bureaucratic rulemaking, without any consideration for taxpayers or input from lawmakers or the states,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The pain is already being felt largely by middle-class wage earners, and now, the federal government is passing on additional taxes through the States. I will continue fighting to protect Texans from this unconstitutional tax funding the insolvent Obamacare mandate.”

February 26, 2016

Smith Coun­ty Sher­iff Lar­ry Smith Leads Ini­tia­tive to Arrest Delin­quent Parents

“Caring for your children is the fundamental and moral responsibility of any parent,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “I commend everyone involved in holding accountable those who attempt to evade child support. Their efforts help ensure better care and better lives for Texas children.”

February 25, 2016

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Applauds Sen­ate Inter­im Hear­ing on Reli­gious Lib­er­ties in Texas

“Religious liberty is the First Freedom established in the Bill of Rights, and the moral bedrock upon which our nation has been built. I commend the Texas Senate, Chairwoman Joan Huffman, and Lt. Gov. Patrick for holding this hearing and keeping a light shined on this important issue, working to assert these inalienable rights and protect the people of Texas from punishment for simply expressing their sincerely-held religious beliefs.”

February 17, 2016

State­ment by Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton on the Pass­ing of Jus­tice Scalia

America today lost one of the finest jurists our country has known in my lifetime, a powerful voice for liberty and a passionate defender of the freedoms guaranteed to all Americans by the Constitution. His passing is a deep loss for our nation. Angela and I will keep his wife, Maureen, his children and his grandchildren in our prayers.

February 13, 2016