Pax­ton Let­ter to House Judi­cia­ry and Over­sight Com­mit­tees Urges Action, Offers Sup­port for Inves­ti­ga­tion of the Biden Bor­der Crisis

Attorney General Paxton has sent a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, in support of both committees’ upcoming hearings to investigate the chaos at our southern border, which has been caused by the Biden Administration.  

January 31, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Sends Let­ter to Woke Com­pa­nies Attempt­ing to Force Share­hold­ers to Adopt a Left-Wing Agenda

Attorney General Paxton and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes are leading a multistate coalition in sending a letter to International Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”) and Glass, Lewis & Co. (“Glass Lewis”), which are companies that provide proxy voting advice to shareholders and aid them in the process of voting at shareholder meetings.  

January 30, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Applauds Spe­cial Mas­ter Order to Make Rio Grande Agree­ment Doc­u­ments Avail­able to the Public

Attorney General Paxton has announced his support for a U.S. Supreme Court-appointed Special Master’s order that documents concerning an agreement between Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado be unsealed concerning the Rio Grande Compact.

January 30, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Issues Con­sumer Alert Warn­ing Tex­ans of Scam­mers in the After­math of the Hous­ton Storms

Attorney General Paxton is encouraging Texans in the Houston area to be cautious of scammers who may try to take advantage of consumers, including the elderly, in the wake of recent severe weather.  

January 30, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion to Stop It From Risk­ing Amer­i­can Work­ers’ Retire­ments by Pro­mot­ing Woke ESG Goals

Attorney General Paxton is co-leading a multistate lawsuit against the Biden Administration to stop a new U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) rule that prioritizes woke Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) investing over protecting the retirement savings of approximately two-thirds of the U.S. population, which is around 152 million workers.  

January 26, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Announces Kris­ten House as Direc­tor of Communications

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced the appointment of Kristen House as Director of Communications for the Office of the Attorney General of Texas.

January 25, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion to Stop New Pro­gram that Would Allow Hun­dreds of Thou­sands of Aliens to Come into the Coun­try Every Year

Attorney General Paxton is leading a multistate coalition that is suing the Biden Administration over a new Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) program that unlawfully creates a de facto pathway to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of aliens.  

January 24, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Announces Inves­ti­ga­tion of Home Title Lock for Poten­tial­ly Mis­lead­ing Texas Consumers

Attorney General Paxton has announced an investigation of Home Title Lock for potentially violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act by misleading consumers with deceptive statements concerning the prevalence of home title theft and the need for Home Title Lock’s services.    

January 24, 2023 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Paxton’s Law Enforce­ment Round-Up: Decem­ber 1 – 312022

The law enforcement round-up is comprised of important arrests from the Child Exploitation and Fugitive Apprehension Units.

January 23, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Joins Ami­cus Brief to Defend Indi­vid­ual Rights and Strength­en the Non­del­e­ga­tion Doctrine

Attorney General Paxton has joined a West Virginia-led cert-stage amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court, to strengthen the enforcement of the nondelegation doctrine, which would prevent unelected agency bureaucrats from exercising authority that the Congress has not granted them.  

January 23, 2023 | Press Release