Here's what you need to know before you file a complaint:

  • Read about the types of complaints you can file and pick the complaint form that addresses your problem.
  • Take a moment to prepare and have important information on hand. 
  • Learn what information you will need to include in your complaint.
  • Know that under Texas law your complaint is open to the public. 
  • Remember that the Office of the Attorney General cannot give you legal advice.

How to prepare to file your online complaint:

Before you begin to fill out your complaint form, make sure you have important information on hand, including the name of the business you’re complaining about and contact information for the business such as its full address. 

Be ready to complete the complaint form in full because the system cannot save your in-progress complaint. 

Tip: Do NOT hit the “back” button on your browser, or your submission will be cleared.

The form asks you to provide a clear statement of the problem you are having. In this statement, include important information and relevant dates. 

Important information may include:

  • The name of the business or individual you’re filing a complaint against;
  • The business/individual’s full address, including zip code;
  • A detailed description of your complaint;
  • Transaction dates and amounts;
  • Contract information; 
  • Payment information;
  • Business websites and email addresses; and 
  • Any steps you have taken to resolve your complaint, including your communications with the business, the names of any people you spoke with, and their contact information.

If you wish to provide documents that support your complaint, be prepared to upload them. Supporting documents are not required but may be helpful in understanding your complaint.  

We accept the following document types: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, or .pdf; image files of type .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .png, .gif, or .bmp; and audio/video files of type .mp3, .wav, .wma, .mp4, .mkv, .mov, .avi, or .wmv . 

The maximum file size limit is 25MB and up to 10 files may be uploaded with your complaint.

Regardless of the form you select, DO NOT INCLUDE sensitive or confidential information in your complaint such as your date of birth, Social Security Number, government-issued ID, or financial account numbers. 

After submitting your complaint online, you should receive a confirmation email within 10 business days after submission that will assign a unique number to it. Save that email and number, as you may need it if you contact our office in the future related to this complaint. 

The number assigned to your complaint is strictly for reference. It does not indicate that any decision has been made regarding the merits of the complaint and does not reflect that the OAG has a case or investigation pending. 

Unless further information is needed, you may not be contacted by our office again regarding your complaint. Your complaint will be reviewed for informational purposes, helping the Attorney General monitor consumer protection issues throughout the State of Texas.

File Your Complaint Online

Pick the complaint form that addresses your problem: 

General Complaint FormFor complaints about false, misleading, or deceptive business practices. Some examples include: not getting what you paid for; billing or refund disputes; misleading ads; predatory sales; unlawful debt collection; scams; price gouging and disaster related complaints.
Privacy Complaint FormFor complaints that your personal information is being unlawfully collected, shared, or mishandled by a business; if you have information related to a data breach; or if you believe a company may be violating laws which protect your privacy. Read more about Privacy.
Charity Complaint FormFor complaints regarding charities including charitable trusts, nonprofit organizations, and charitable businesses.

Have A Tip?

If you have information about violations of consumer, privacy, or charities laws, you may submit a tip by sending us an email. 

Submit A Tip