AG Pax­ton: Texas Joins in Fight­ing EPA Fed­er­al Overreach

The Office of the Attorney General, on Thursday, filed a petition challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rule, Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources.

July 29, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Files Suit Against City of Austin to Defend Open Car­ry Law

“I will always make sure that governments do not trample on the Second Amendment rights of Texans,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton, “and if they do, we will sue.”

July 28, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Names Longview Child Sup­port Employ­ee Assis­tant Attor­ney Gen­er­al of the Year

Cannon was chosen because of her dedication and value to the child support mission. After receiving a promotion and transfer to the Longview office in 2015, Cannon willingly and effectively covered vacancies in her former office, learning her new job while demonstrating her ability to process a high volume of casework with accuracy and speed.

July 26, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Names Austin Child Sup­port Employ­ees Assis­tant Attor­neys Gen­er­al of the Year

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has singled out Andrea Roberts and Clayton Richter, assistant attorneys general in the Child Support Division’s Austin offices, for their commitment to Texas children. Roberts has been named Assistant Attorney General of the Year for the 39-county region based in Austin. Richter was selected Assistant Attorney General of the Year for the division’s main office, also in Austin. Both Roberts and Richter received the award Friday at the Statewide Assistant Attorneys General Conference in Houston

July 26, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Names San Anto­nio Child Sup­port Employ­ee Assis­tant Attor­ney Gen­er­al of the Year

Ritter was chosen because he is an outstanding attorney, a mentor to new employees and a positive force in his office. He successfully negotiates agreements in most of his cases and reviews twice as many cases as any other attorney in the region.

July 26, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Final Default Judg­ment Grant­ed Against Com­pa­nies for Sub­scrip­tion Scam

The Office of the Attorney General secured a Final Default Judgment on Friday halting three Oregon-based corporations from offering subscription renewal services. The judgment stems from a lawsuit against Liberty Publishers Inc., Express Publishers Service, Inc. and Orbital Publishing Group, Inc. who violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

July 25, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Reach­es Set­tle­ment with Soft­ware Resellers over Anti­com­pet­i­tive Conduct

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced two settlements against MCCi, LLC and VP Imaging Inc., doing business as DocuNav Solutions. The settlement stems from an antitrust investigation into agreements the companies made not to compete in the market for enterprise content management software.

July 22, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Fifth Cir­cuit Blocks EPA Region­al Haze Rule

Texas has “demonstrated a strong likelihood of success in establishing that the EPA acted arbitrarily, capriciously, and in excess of its statutory authority when it disapproved the Texas and Oklahoma implementation plans and imposed a federal implementation plan.”

July 19, 2016 | Press Release

Texas AG Files Set­tle­ment Against Flori­da Com­pa­ny for Nation­wide Tech Sup­port Scam

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced a settlement with a Florida tech company, PC Cleaner, Inc. The settlement stems from the state’s investigation into the company and CEO Cashier Myricks for violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA).

July 14, 2016 | Press Release

Thir­teen States Seek Nation­wide Injunc­tion Against Oba­ma’s Bath­room Rules

“The nation’s schools, and every place of employment, are now in the crosshairs of the Obama Administration, which maintains it will punish those who do not comply with its orders,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton. “Schools are facing the potential loss of funding for simply exercising the authority to implement the policies that best protect their students. Every employer is now being threatened for not bowing to anyone that identifies as the opposite sex.”

July 06, 2016 | Press Release