AG Pax­ton: TX Obtains Order to Halt Tobac­co Shop’s Sale of Syn­thet­ic Drugs

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that his office obtained a temporary restraining order (TRO) against Tobacco Junction #1, Tobacco Junction #2, its owners, and Kassi Business, Inc., prohibiting the sale of synthetic marijuana. The TRO stems from the joint operation of the Texas Attorney General’s Office and Corpus Christi Police Department’s Narcotic Vice Investigation Division (NVID) and found that the tobacco shop’s owners were in violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practice Act.

July 01, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Dis­miss­es Law­suit Against Vir­gin Islands AG

“The so-called 'investigation' by Walker was a constitutionally improper attempt to suppress the freedom of speech based only on the content being communicated. In America, we have the freedom to disagree, and we do not legally prosecute people just because their opinion is different from ours. We are glad that the abuse of power by Attorney General Walker, and those that he hired, has come to an end,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton. “Attorneys working for the government should be motivated by public interest, not financial gain.”

June 30, 2016 | Press Release

Dis­trict Court Upholds the Sanc­ti­ty of Attor­ney-Client Confidentiality

“Today is a victory for the preservation of the sanctity of attorney-client confidentiality. Every American knows that when they talk to a lawyer, their conversation is confidential. That confidentiality has been the cornerstone of the attorney-client relationship since before our nation’s founding. If information confidentially given to one’s attorney is also accessible by the federal government, it would damage the very foundation of our system of justice.”

June 27, 2016 | Press Release

Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Halts Unlaw­ful and Decep­tive Con­duct at Texas Law Firm

The Texas Attorney General’s Office has secured an Agreed Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction against a former immigration attorney, Paul A. Esquivel, his former associate attorney, Juan Carlos Penaflor, and former office manager, Olvia Martinez.

June 24, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Obtains Court Order Halt­ing Sales of Dan­ger­ous Syn­thet­ic Drugs at Hous­ton Smoke Shop

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that his office obtained a temporary restraining order (TRO) stopping Good Timez Boutique & Smoke Shop, its owners, and landlord from selling dangerous and highly-addictive synthetic drugs to youth in the Houston area.

June 16, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton’s Child Sup­port Divi­sion Leads the Nation by Col­lect­ing $3.8 Bil­lion in Child Support

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s Child Support Division (CSD) ranks first in the nation for collecting more than $3.869 billion in child support for the federal fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2015. According to the Fiscal Year 2015 Preliminary Data Report released in April by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, Texas is first among 54 states, territories and districts for the amount of child support collected; the amount of child support collected per employee; and cost effectiveness.

June 13, 2016 | Press Release

Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Joins Arkansas in Chal­lenge to the State of Delaware to Get Back Mil­lions of Dol­lars in Unclaimed Mon­ey from Mon­ey­Gram Checks

¨Thanks to the diligent and methodical work from the Arkansas AG Rutledge’s office, it was determined how Delaware, for its financial gain, completely disregarded the Act and kept millions of dollars from Texas, Arkansas and 19 other states, ¨ said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. We are committed to get this money for unclaimed MoneyGram checks reverted to the States, claiming what rightfully belongs to our taxpayers.¨

June 09, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al’s Office Issues Cease and Desist Let­ter to For­mer Agency Lawyer

“Current and former Assistant Attorneys General have a duty to follow all rules related to the practice of law in the state of Texas,” said First Assistant Attorney General Jeff Mateer. “While everyone has First Amendment rights to free speech, the law strictly prohibits attorneys from releasing confidential and privileged information.”

June 03, 2016 | Press Release

Adkins Man Arrest­ed on Child Pornog­ra­phy Charges

“One more dangerous individual is off the streets and behind bars thanks to the efforts of the Child Exploitation Unit and the Sealy Police Department,” Attorney General Paxton said. “My office will remain steadfast in protecting our children and our communities from the heinous acts of these child predators and continue seeking justice against them.”

May 27, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Texas Leads Fight Against DOE, DOJ Bath­room & Lock­er Room Rules

“Our local schools are now in the crosshairs of the Obama Administration, which maintains it will punish those schools who do not comply with its orders. These schools are facing the potential loss of school funding for simply following common sense policies that protect their students,” Texas Attorney General Paxton said. “This represents just the latest example of the current administration’s attempts to accomplish by executive fiat what they couldn’t accomplish through the democratic process in Congress. By forcing through his policies by executive action, President Obama excluded the voice of the people. We stand today to ensure those voices are heard.”

May 25, 2016 | Press Release