Pax­ton Fights to Uphold Con­sti­tu­tion­al Rights of Reli­gious Institutions

Attorney General Paxton filed an amicus brief on behalf of College of the Ozarks, a religious institution under pressure from the Biden Administration to abandon its deeply-held religious beliefs to comply with the Administration’s radical definition of sex discrimination or face significant penalties.  

April 24, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Empha­sizes Title IX Legal Pro­tec­tions for Female Athletes

Attorney General Paxton joined an amicus brief to protect women’s sports from unfair and dangerous competition from biological men. 

April 24, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Issues Con­sumer Alert Warn­ing Tex­ans of Scam­mers Using the Attor­ney General’s Name to Steal Information

Attorney General Paxton issues this consumer alert to warn Texans of scammers who are using the Attorney General’s seal, name, and signature to steal consumers’ personal information.  

April 21, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Sends Let­ter to Com­pa­ny High­light­ing Ille­gal­i­ties of Dis­trib­ut­ing Abor­tion Pills Through the Mail

Attorney General Paxton sent a multistate letter to Carelon, which provides tele-health and tele-pharmacy services, thanking it for not announcing its intention to unlawfully distribute abortion pills and reminding the company of its obligations under state and federal law. 

April 21, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Sues Inter­net Com­pa­ny that Takes Advan­tage of Texas Consumers

Attorney General Paxton filed a lawsuit to stop an operation that sold internet access primarily to rural customers through an illegal scheme that often resulted in paying customers losing all internet access.  

April 20, 2023 | Press Release

Inves­ti­ga­tion by Paxton’s Med­ic­aid Fraud Con­trol Unit Leads to 17-Year Prison Sen­tence for Fraud­ster Phar­ma­cist and $4 Mil­lion in Resti­tu­tion for Opi­oid Diver­sion Scheme

Attorney General Paxton’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit has successfully concluded an investigation that led to the conviction and sentencing of Anthony Obute, the owner and pharmacist in charge of Keystone Pharmacy in Houston.

April 20, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Chal­lenges Left-Wing School District’s Attempt to Encour­age Stu­dents’ Gen­der Exper­i­men­ta­tion and to Con­ceal Infor­ma­tion from Their Parents

Attorney General Paxton joined an amicus brief filed in the Boston-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

April 19, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Chal­lenges Biden Administration’s Efforts to Remove First Amend­ment Pro­tec­tions for Reli­gious Stu­dent Orga­ni­za­tions in High­er Education

Attorney General Paxton has sent a multistate letter to the U.S. Department of Education condemning the Biden Administration’s move to rescind an existing regulation that protects the religious freedom of college students.  

April 19, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Wins Major Case Defend­ing Texas’s Anti-Boy­cott-of-Israel Law

Attorney General Paxton has secured a victory in the New Orleans-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit while defending a Texas law that prohibits state funds from going to companies that boycott Israel.  

April 18, 2023 | Press Release

Pax­ton Stands Up for Amer­i­cans’ Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly Pro­tect­ed Prop­er­ty Rights

Attorney General Paxton filed an amicus brief to defend the property rights of Americans.

April 18, 2023 | Press Release