AG Pax­ton Seeks Removal of 8 Peo­ple Who Unlaw­ful­ly Hold Posi­tions on City of Austin’s Plan­ning Commission

“It’s shameful that the city of Austin ignores the will of voters and its own city charter, allowing the planning commission to be controlled by eight real estate professionals who unlawfully hold seats on the board,” Attorney General Paxton said. “We’re seeking the court’s removal of all commission members whose appointments violate the two-thirds ”˜lay member’ requirement of the city charter.”

July 03, 2018

AG Pax­ton Names For­mer Supreme Court Clerk Zina Bash Senior Coun­sel on His Exec­u­tive Lead­er­ship Team

“Zina is an outstanding and higly-respected attorney whose extensive legal and policy experience in both the public and private sectors will make her a valuable addition to my executive team,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I’m confident Zina will work every day to uphold the rule of law and improve the lives of Texans.”

July 03, 2018

AG Pax­ton Warns 11 Cities Their Bag Bans Are Illegal

“The Texas Supreme Court declared that banning single-use plastic bags is illegal. Municipalities ignoring this law are unlawfully passing their duty to manage solid waste on to their residents and retailers in violation of settled Texas law,” Attorney General Paxton said. “A dislike of state law is no justification for a municipality to violate it.”

July 02, 2018

AG Pax­ton’s Med­ic­aid Fraud Con­trol Unit Col­lab­o­rates on Mul­ti-Agency Arrests of 12 Indi­vid­u­als in Hous­ton-Area Health Care Fraud Takedown

“I’m proud of the part our Medicaid Fraud Control Unit played in this historic effort against health care fraud,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Medicaid fraud steals taxpayer money and jeopardizes care for some of Texas’ most vulnerable citizens. My office will continue to fight for the integrity of the Medicare and Medicaid programs to ensure Texans’ tax dollars are not stolen by criminals.”

July 02, 2018

AG Pax­ton Lauds SCO­TUS Deci­sion to Uphold First and Fourth Amendments

“The First Amendment protects each person’s right to live out their faith according to their beliefs. It guarantees the rights of conscience to all Americans,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Religious liberty should never be confined to the four walls of a place of worship. Every American should have the freedom to pray within his or her own home and in the public square.”

June 28, 2018

AG Pax­ton Issues Let­ter to Fort Worth ISD Demand­ing Pub­lic Access to Cur­ricu­lum and Pro­tec­tion of Parental Rights

“Parents have the right to inspect and review information regarding what their child is learning and participating in while attending school,” Attorney General Paxton said. “By law, public school curriculum should be fully available to the public, and parents retain their constitutional right to direct their own child’s upbringing. Denying parental and public access to curriculum of any kind is a clear violation the Texas Education Code.”

June 28, 2018 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton’s Office Par­tic­i­pates in Fact-Find­ing Forum on Cred­it Card Skimmers

Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office today participated in a fact-finding forum to explore ways Texas can protect gas stations, banks and consumers against credit card skimming.

June 27, 2018

AG Pax­ton Com­mends SCO­TUS Rul­ing: Non-Union Work­ers Can­not Be Forced to Sub­si­dize Union Speech to Keep Their Job

“It’s been a common refrain of mine for years: compelled political speech through compulsory union dues is incompatible with this nation’s bedrock principles of individual liberty. Accepting a job in the public sector should not require employees to check their First Amendment rights at the door. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling rectifies decades of abuse by public-sector unions, which will now be forced to solicit funding like any other politically active organization. This momentous decision vividly illustrates the importance of textualist judges ”“ and the presidents who appoint them.”

June 27, 2018

AG Pax­ton Prais­es U.S. Supreme Court Rul­ing that Pro­tects the Unborn and Upholds Free Speech Rights

“As today’s Supreme Court decision recognizes, that the state of California could compel nonprofit crisis pregnancy centers to assist their patients in obtaining an abortion is an obvious infringement on free speech and conscience,” Attorney General Paxton said. “California’s scheme aggressively targeted the pro-life medical community by forcing them to relay a state-sponsored message about abortions against their will. I commend the Supreme Court for striking down this offensive law.”

June 26, 2018

AG Pax­ton’s Office Makes Arrest; Charges 3 Indi­vid­u­als with 18 Offens­es in 2016 City of Hidal­go Vot­er Fraud Scheme

“These cases highlight the unfortunate widespread abuse of elder and disabled voters in our state,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Texas law provides accommodations to assist those who cannot vote their own ballots, but those provisions are being abused to deprive vulnerable Texans of their voice in government. Anyone who attempts to exploit the voter assistance process to steal votes will be brought to justice and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

June 26, 2018