AG Pax­ton: Texas Leads 13-State Coali­tion for School’s Rights

“We are proud to lead a 13-state coalition against the Obama Administration’s latest illegal federal overreach. This President is attempting to rewrite the laws that were enacted by the elected representatives of the people, and is using the threat of losing federal funding to get schools to fall into line. That cannot be allowed to continue.”

August 04, 2016

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Files Brief to Defend Cam­pus Carry

“It is a frivolous lawsuit and I’m confident it will be dismissed because the Legislature passed a constitutionally-sound law,” Attorney General Paxton said. “There is no legal justification to deny licensed, law-abiding citizens on campus the same measure of personal protection they are entitled to elsewhere in Texas.”

August 02, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Nue­ces Coun­ty Dis­trict Court Finds Jovan Miles Guilty of Human Traf­fick­ing; Sen­tenced to 40 Years

“Human trafficking is an egregious crime, and cases like this one are the very reason my office has launched a section dedicated to combating it,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Thanks to the hard work of the Nueces County District Attorney’s Office and my office’s Human Trafficking and Transnational Organized Crime Section, a vile predator is incarcerated and will be unable to harm anyone again. I will continue the fight against human trafficking and will work tirelessly with law enforcement officials and advocacy groups to rid our state of this detestable crime.”

August 01, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Com­pen­sa­tion Rates Increased to Help Crime Vic­tims Rebuild Their Lives

“The untold story in the aftermath of violent crime is the deep financial toll it can take on survivors and their families who face crime-related expenses not reimbursed by other sources,” Attorney General Paxton said. “While no amount of money can erase the pain inflicted on victims of violent crime, these increases in Texas CVC claim limits will help provide peace of mind for Texans already facing enormous difficulties in their road to recovery.”

August 01, 2016

AG Pax­ton: Texas Joins in Fight­ing EPA Fed­er­al Overreach

The Office of the Attorney General, on Thursday, filed a petition challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rule, Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources.

July 29, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Civ­il Com­mit­ment of Sex­u­al­ly Vio­lent Preda­tors Constitutional

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced a victory for the State against sexually violent predators. The Beaumont Court of Appeals reversed a trial court order that declared the statute mandating civil commitment of sexually violent predators unconstitutional and immediately released sexually violent predator Alonzo May from commitment.

July 28, 2016

AG Pax­ton Files Suit Against City of Austin to Defend Open Car­ry Law

“I will always make sure that governments do not trample on the Second Amendment rights of Texans,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton, “and if they do, we will sue.”

July 28, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Names Con­roe Child Sup­port Employ­ee Assis­tant Attor­ney Gen­er­al of the Year

Ms. Quindt demonstrates excellent teamwork by volunteering to help wherever needed, including handling walk-in appointments, ensuring coverage for off-docket settings, and coordinating workloads among the legal team.

July 26, 2016 | Noteworthy

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Names Longview Child Sup­port Employ­ee Assis­tant Attor­ney Gen­er­al of the Year

Cannon was chosen because of her dedication and value to the child support mission. After receiving a promotion and transfer to the Longview office in 2015, Cannon willingly and effectively covered vacancies in her former office, learning her new job while demonstrating her ability to process a high volume of casework with accuracy and speed.

July 26, 2016 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Names Austin Child Sup­port Employ­ees Assis­tant Attor­neys Gen­er­al of the Year

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has singled out Andrea Roberts and Clayton Richter, assistant attorneys general in the Child Support Division’s Austin offices, for their commitment to Texas children. Roberts has been named Assistant Attorney General of the Year for the 39-county region based in Austin. Richter was selected Assistant Attorney General of the Year for the division’s main office, also in Austin. Both Roberts and Richter received the award Friday at the Statewide Assistant Attorneys General Conference in Houston

July 26, 2016 | Press Release