AG Pax­ton Inter­venes in Law­suit Chal­leng­ing City of Austin’s Unlaw­ful Sick Leave Ordinance

“The Austin City Council's disdain and blatant disregard for the rule of law is an attempt to unlawfully and inappropriately usurp the authority of the state lawmakers chosen by Texas voters and must be stopped,” Attorney General Paxton said.

April 30, 2018

AG Pax­ton Defends Texas Leg­is­la­ture’s Fos­ter Care Sys­tem at the 5th Circuit

“We successfully demonstrated the absurdity of the lower court's ruling to the 5th Circuit. The ruling was arrived at by an unelected federal judge who misapplied the law, hijacked control of our state's foster care system, and ordered an ill-conceived plan by the special masters that is both incomplete and impractical,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The directives from the lower court would reverse the progress Texas has made since the Legislature made reforms to the foster care system last year. Responsibility for determining policy priorities and implementing best practices lies with the legislative and executive branches of government. I'm optimistic that the 5th Circuit will recognize that and correct the lower court's error.”

April 30, 2018

AG Pax­ton Applauds 5th Cir­cuit Deci­sion Uphold­ing Texas’ Vot­er ID Law

“The court rightly recognized that when the Legislature passed Senate Bill 5 last session, it complied with every change the 5th Circuit ordered to the original voter ID law,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Safeguarding the integrity of our elections is essential to preserving our democracy. The revised voter ID law removes any burden on voters who cannot obtain a photo ID.”

April 27, 2018

AG Pax­ton Applauds Plan to Review and Repeal the Unlaw­ful Oba­ma-Era Clean Pow­er Plan

“We appreciate the Trump administration's recognition that the NSPS's nonsensical contributions to the unlawful Clean Power Plan warrant review,” Attorney General Paxton said. “We're proud to have led a strong coalition opposing this baseless overreach, and we look forward to working with the EPA to find logical, lawful ways to protect both our environment and economy.”

April 27, 2018

AG Pax­ton Announces Grand Jury Indict­ments of Three Can­di­dates from 2016 Jef­fer­son Coun­ty Sher­if­f’s Race for Accept­ing Ille­gal Cam­paign Contributions

"Our election laws were established to protect the right of Texans to govern themselves through their elected representatives and to ensure fair and transparent elections, and it is the responsibility of the attorney general to enforce those protections,” Attorney General Paxton said. “No one is above the law. The conduct of the people indicted by the grand jury is illegal and erodes the public trust. Working with local and state law enforcement, my office intends to hold them accountable.”

April 27, 2018

20-State Coali­tion Led by AG Pax­ton Seeks Injunc­tion Against Obamacare

“From the outset, Obamacare's individual mandate caused countless Americans to purchase insurance they don't need or enroll in programs that put a tremendous financial burden on Texas and other states,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The sooner Obamacare is enjoined, the better, so that states and individuals can prepare to operate freely again without the stranglehold of a failed Obama-era social experiment.”

April 26, 2018

AG Pax­ton Con­grat­u­lates Kyle Dun­can on His Con­fir­ma­tion to the 5th Circuit

“I am confident that Kyle Duncan has the utmost respect for our constitutional system and will remain devoted to the rule of law,” Attorney General Paxton said. “There is no doubt that Kyle faithfully adheres to the founding principles of the U.S. Constitution and will honor that in his position as a federal judge.”

April 25, 2018

AG Pax­ton State­ment on Pass­ing of Dal­las Police Officer

“I am deeply saddened by the news of the death of the courageous Dallas PD officer, Rogelio Santander, who died today as a result of yesterday's shooting. Please join me in praying for the officer's family, as well as officers in Dallas and everywhere, as they mourn the loss of their colleague. May swift justice prevail and may God grant peace to those who grieve.”

April 25, 2018

AG Pax­ton’s Office, U.S. Depart­ment of Jus­tice Defend Texas’ Redis­trict­ing Maps at the U.S. Supreme Court

Attorney General Ken Paxton today commended Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller and a top lawyer for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) after they presented powerful oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of Texas' redistricting maps. Last year, a three-judge panel of the U.S. District Court in San Antonio invalidated two of Texas' 36 congrssional districts (27 and 35) and multiple state House districts. Attorney General Paxton appealed the rulings to the high court, which blocked them from taking effect until it could hear the case today.

April 24, 2018

AG Pax­ton’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests McLen­nan Coun­ty Man for Pos­ses­sion of Lewd Images of a Child

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested Matthew Richard Hightower of Waco on five counts of possession of lewd visual material depicting a child. If convicted, the 26-year-old could face up to 10 years in a state jail facility.

April 23, 2018