AG Pax­ton Prais­es Hero­ic Actions of Celi­na Firefighter

“I am so proud of Andrew Needum and his courageous response during an unfathomable air crisis,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Although Andrew responded as any trained firefighter would, he acted heroically placing himself in harm's way to attempt to save the life of a fellow passenger.”

April 20, 2018

AG Pax­ton Obtains $2 Mil­lion Judg­ment Against Hap­pie Hip­pie Smoke Shop for Sell­ing Ille­gal Syn­thet­ic Drugs

“My office will continue to use all legal means possible to protect Texans and their families from the scourge of synthetic drugs,” Attorney General Paxton said. “As evidenced by the outcome of this latest case, businesses that sell synthetic drugs will be held accountable.”

April 20, 2018

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Reach­es Set­tle­ment with Pat­ter­son Com­pa­nies Over Den­tal Sup­ply Boycott

“Conspiring with competitors to prevent the emergence of new distribution channels for goods and services is contrary to the free market and violates antitrust laws,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Such interference should not be tolerated in any industry. My office will continue to ensure that companies doing business in Texas have the opportunity to compete in a truly free market.”

April 20, 2018

AG Pax­ton’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests Bell Coun­ty Doc­tor for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested a 55-year-old doctor from Temple on one count of possession of child pornography. If convicted, John Middlemiss Palmer could spend up to 20 years in federal prison.

April 20, 2018

AG Pax­ton’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests McLen­nan Coun­ty Man for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested a Waco man on three counts of possession of child pornography, a third-degree felony. If convicted, Joseph Albert Nickel could face up to 30 years in prison.

April 18, 2018

AG Pax­ton Releas­es State­ment on the Pass­ing of Bar­bara Bush

“With all of Texas and our nation, I'm deeply saddened by the passing of Barbara Bush. Among her many accomplishments, the former first lady worked tirelessly to promote literacy and was known worldwide for her honor, integrity, sense of humor, and faith. Her strong love for her husband and her family was an encouragement to everyone. Mrs. Bush will be dearly missed, but her legacy will impact generations to come. My deepest sympathy and fervent prayers are with the Bush family as they grieve.”

April 17, 2018

Hunt Coun­ty Con­ducts Child Sup­port Roundup

“Caring for your children is the fundamental and moral responsibility of any parent,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “I commend everyone involved in holding accountable those who attempt to evade child support. Their efforts help ensure better care and better lives for Texas children.”

April 13, 2018

Back​page​.com Pleads Guilty to Human Traf­fick­ing in Texas

“Taking down Backpage and obtaining a criminal conviction for the company and its CEO represents a significant victory in the fight against human trafficking in Texas and around the world,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I want to thank the Attorney General of California, the U.S. Department of Justice, federal law enforcement officials, Nueces County District Attorney Mark Gonzalez, and the prosecutors and law enforcement in my office for their outstanding collaborative work on this investigation and prosecution.”

April 12, 2018 | Press Release

Gov­er­nor Abbott and AG Pax­ton Call For Review of State, Local Report­ing to Nation­al Instant Crim­i­nal Back­ground Check System

“NICS is vital to making sure guns stay out of the dangerous hands of individuals with a high risk of committing violence,” Attorney General Paxton said. “By doing everything we can to ensure that all relevant information is being reported timely and accurately to NICS, Texas can help prevent shootings before they happen and save lives.”

April 11, 2018

AG Pax­ton Applauds Final Judg­ment for Car­son Coun­ty Home­own­ers in White Deer ISD Lawsuit

“Local governments simply cannot selectively ignore state law,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I am pleased that this court recognized that White Deer ISD violated the Texas Constitution when they took hard-earned money from homeowners without their vote or consent. My office remains committed to standing up for homeowners and taxpayers throughout the state.”

April 11, 2018